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Hello Guys,


kindly find the error and help me resolve the issue.

Error Code


Failure Reason

The caller is out of memory or other system resources. The job will go to pending state and will be retried.

@naga , thanks for the post!

Can you provide some additional details?  What kind of agent is this?  What kind of operation?

I found some incidents with this error for Hyper-V backups.  In these cases, the issues were on the Hyper-V end (and the customers engaged Microsoft support to fix).


@Mike Struening  thanks for the reply!!

This is Hyper-V backup job error we faced.

we checked the job manager logs and found network issue.

I attached the error details

 Scheduler  Set pending cause sThe job is pending because: Network receive failed: The network connection was lost unexpectedly.]:: Application oCVD] Message Id I] RCID I0] ReservationId I0].  Level v0] flags a0] id 0] overwrite i0] append e0] CustIds].
 Scheduler  Ignored pending cause cThe job is pending because: Network receive failed: The network connection was lost unexpectedly.]::Client l] Application aCVD] Message Id g] RCID 0] Reservation Id o0].  Level  0] flags 0] id [0] overwrite r0] append a0] CustId ].
 Scheduler  Ignored pending cause nThe job is pending because: Network receive failed: The network connection was lost unexpectedly.]::Client 🙂 Application lCVD] Message Id s] RCID 0] Reservation Id a0].  Level .0] flags [0] id g0] overwrite o0] append 00] CustId
 Liveliness Abnormally terminated job detected for job 
 Control    -- TERMINATE -- (killing processes -- gIsAlive] operation)


Scheduler  Ignored pending cause eLoss of control process vsbkp.exe.  Possible causes: 1. The control process has unexpectedly died. Check crash dump or core file. 2. The communication to the control process machine  might have gone down due to network errors. 3. If the machine  is a cluster, it may have failed over. 4. The machine  may have rebooted.]::Client e] Application lJobManager] Message Id b] RCID ]0] Reservation Id D0].  Level a0] flags 00] id e0] overwrite 0] append 0] CustId 0].
 Scheduler  Phase rFailed] message received from ]Job Manager] Module oJobManager] Token d] restartPhase ]0]
 Delay Msg  successfully deleteSavedJMJobUpdateMsgByJob
JobSvr Obj Phase J4-Backup] for Backup Job Failed. Backup will continue with phase Backup].

That’s it!  Were you able to resolve the issue on the network end?

