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error with restor to hyper V

  • November 22, 2021
  • 3 replies


We are trying to recover (virtualize) the hyper-v machine for a test.

The recovered computer is both a domain controller and a Terminal Services server.

What account to use when there is no local administrator account on the server and there is only a domain one?

Do you need to modify the used 1-Touch image in any special way, because the machine does not get up after recovery. (Where should you look for logs from incomplete recovery)

Are there any "best practices" described anywhere?

So we trying this method >


after this we have error >


logs form job:

11/12 13:34:39 381151 TaskInterfaceDB::getOptions() - Loading default options into memory
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 STARTRESTORE OneTouch Restore : true
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 STARTRESTORE Resetting to time [0] to current time [1636720476]
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 isCCSDbEnabled() - Use CCSDb Enabled [0] IsCloudLaptop [0] IsFSCoreLaptop [0]
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 STARTRESTORE To time is changed from [1636720476] to archive file creation time [1636671932] returned by getArchFileByTime for backupset [27] reference time [1636720476]
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 FSStartRestoreService::onMsgRestoreInit(1827) - Checking if the client:131 is a Case Manager Client
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 Init() - Initializing job control [token=No Token,cn=alzheimer] in single threaded mode, serverName [], ControlFlag [1], Job Id [381151]
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 STARTRESTORE System state restore
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 STARTRESTORE recomputing to time for system state restore
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 STARTRESTORE Resetting to time [0] to current time [1636720476]
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 Database Summary of sp to get last successful backup time for system state backup commCellId [2] backupSetId [27] subclientId [0] fromTime [0] toTime [1636720476] is [Subclient ID passed is [0]. Subclient ID is [27]. The recent backup job [380951] that has to time [1636671934] is valid.].
19428 29b0 11/12 13:34:39 381151 STARTRESTORE To time is changed from [1636720476] to archive file creation time [1636671932] returned by getArchFileByTime for backupset [27] reference time [1636720476]
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE options - 0×100001300
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE Restore Options - ER_STRIP_LEVEL | ER_INPLACEMENT | ER_RESTORE_ACLS | ER_NW_RESTORE_DATA
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE synthetic full - no
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE commcell - 2
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE source client - 14
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE dest client - 131
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE apptype - 33
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE instance - 1
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE backupset = 27
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE subclient - -1
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 ::CvTime() - Invalid time (0) passed in
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE from time - 0
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE to time - 1636671932 2021/11/12 00:05:32
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE source path - [[System State]\Special Components\One Touch Files]
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE dest path - [X:\CVBMR\OneTouch\ClientFiles\InfoFiles\serwer875]
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE copy - 0
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE em function - 0
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE em firstnode - 0
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE em skipnodes - 0
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE em page size - -1
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE skip errors and continue - [false]
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE checking whether super restore should be applied
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE ***** Indexing mode (V2) *****
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 IDXBROWSECL Sending init request [

19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE Starting regular restore for new indexing layer
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE starting regular restore
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 FSSubclientConf::load(696) - +++
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 FSSubclientConf::load(755) - Failed to get the BackupSet
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 FSSubclientConf::load(696) - --- 0:00.186128
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:40 381151 STARTRESTORE start operation on subclient id [27] name [default] backupset id [27]
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:41 381151 STARTRESTORE SECURITY: canRestore() returned true for subclientId (27). User (7), commCell (2), srcClientId (14), destClientId (131), appTypeId (33), instance (1), backupSet (27), outOfPlace = (true) impersonateUser = (false) machineUId=().
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:41 381151 STARTRESTORE OneTouch Restore : true
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:41 381151 STARTRESTORE Adding extended option [9C557C64-641C-4D9B-9198-1D6A1F0BFC11:9C557C64-641C-4D9B-9198-1D6A1F0BFC11]
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:41 381151 STARTRESTORE MediaAgent is changed from '' to ’*alzheimer2_MediaAgent*8410' as this is new indexing
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:41 381151 STARTRESTORE Non-snap restore for non-DB restore
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:41 381151 STARTRESTORE connecting to MediaAgent ’*alzheimer2_MediaAgent*8410'
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:42 381151 STARTRESTORE Sending source path '\[System State]\Special Components\One Touch Files' with strip level 2
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:42 381151 STARTRESTORE Sending destination path 'X:\CVBMR\OneTouch\ClientFiles\InfoFiles\serwer875'
19428 4d1c 11/12 13:34:46 381151 STARTRESTORE File Statistics: Succeeded [4], Skipped [0] Failed [0]
19428 6040 11/12 13:34:47 381151 STARTRESTORE Received FSR_MSG_RESTORE_END
19428 4d1c 11/12 13:34:58 381151 STARTRESTORE Received disconnect request
19428 4d1c 11/12 13:34:58 381151 STARTRESTORE Disconnected MA session completed restore
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:59 381151 STARTRESTORE Success | Partial Success | Failure: Total files [4], Succeeded [4], Transferred [0], Skipped [0], Failed [0], MaAttach [true]
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:59 381151 Sending SUCCESS complete message to JM, 381151
19428 46ec 11/12 13:34:59 381151 STARTRESTORE Unregistering job control from CVD for the job 381151

20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 NoPrefix runV2::options = 554050786048
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 NoPrefix runV2::options1 = 0
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 NoPrefix runV2::extendedOptions = #UseIndexingV2="1";#BrowseReq="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?><databrowse_BrowseRequest opType=\"1\" pathType=\"0\" userName=\"\"><session sessionId=\"381151\"/><entity type=\"7\" applicationId=\"33\" backupsetGUID=\"9C557C64-641C-4D9B-9198-1D6A1F0BFC11\" backupsetId=\"27\" clientId=\"14\" commCellId=\"2\" instanceId=\"1\" subclientId=\"-1\"/><paths path=\"\[System State]\Special Components\One Touch Files\"/><timeRange fromTime=\"0\" toTime=\"1636671932\"/><options DoNotCacheFilters=\"0\" PreferContentServer=\"0\" adjustPerLastDRTime=\"0\" browseFromCSDB=\"0\" bulkOperation=\"0\" bypassSubclientConfig=\"1\" caseInsensitive=\"0\" caseManagerDataCopy=\"0\" createRestoreVectors=\"0\" cycleBrowse=\"0\" disableSnapOptimizer=\"0\" doPrediction=\"0\" downloadSystemScan=\"0\" downloadTrueUpStubScanOutput=\"0\" enforceSuperBrowse=\"0\" fetchFileProperties=\"0\" folderDelete=\"0\" fsExtentBrowse=\"0\" getACLs=\"0\" hideEmptyExtents=\"0\" imageBrowse=\"0\" includeAgedData=\"0\" includeAllParents=\"0\" includeCheckSum=\"0\" includeEndUserErasedItems=\"0\" includeExtentCRC=\"0\" includeMetadata=\"0\" includeRunningJobs=\"0\" includeSoftCommittedJobs=\"0\" includeVersions=\"0\" instantSend=\"0\" internalReq=\"0\" isOneTouchRestore=\"1\" machineLiveBrowse=\"0\" nasFilerType=\"0\" nasSynthDirRestore=\"2\" nasSynthRestore=\"0\" nonRecursiveNASRestore=\"0\" onePassRedundancy=\"0\" onePassStubQuery=\"0\" prepareSystemScan=\"0\" pruneFromSource=\"0\" queryAgedArchiveFileData=\"0\" reCreateRestoreVector=\"0\" refCopy=\"0\" refCopyCloudMigration=\"0\" refCopySF=\"0\" relationshipBrowse=\"0\" restoreIndex=\"1\" sendBackListOfAfiles=\"0\" sendOutputToFile=\"0\" sharedFolderBrowse=\"0\" showDeletedFiles=\"0\" showFolderSize=\"0\" showOnlyDeleted=\"0\" showThumbnail=\"0\" skipDataPrediction=\"0\" skipIndexRestore=\"0\" skipLatestVersion=\"0\" skipMountPoints=\"0\" skipNasRenamedDirs=\"0\" skipProgressMessage=\"0\" skipSynthFullJobs=\"0\" synthFull=\"0\" tableViewBrowse=\"0\" translateSyncPath=\"0\" translateToVMReq=\"0\" useLatestCycle=\"0\" useUptoDateIndexOnly=\"0\" userRequest=\"1\" verifyArchiverQuery=\"0\" viewBackupCopy=\"0\" vsDiskBrowse=\"0\" vsExtentBrowse=\"0\" vsFileBrowse=\"1\" vsListVMs=\"0\" vsLiveSyncBrowse=\"0\" vsVolumeBrowse=\"0\" vsaFileLevelRestore=\"0\"/><mode mode=\"0\"/><ma type=\"3\" clientId=\"0\" clientName=\"alzheimer2_MediaAgent\"/><advOptions applyStrictACL=\"0\" browseViewName=\"\" copyPrecedence=\"0\" includePsuedoItems=\"0\" retryLimit=\"10\" retryWaitSecs=\"300\" skipUptodateCheck=\"0\" stubAsData=\"0\" timeoutSecs=\"1800\" userId=\"0\" validateAfiles=\"1\" vmCentricClient=\"0\"><advConfig recallRequest=\"0\"><browseAdvancedConfigReq commcellId=\"2\" jobType=\"0\"><additionalFlags flagType=\"9\" value=\"<?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; standalone=&quot;no&quot; ?>&lt;databrowse_JobInfoList>&lt;jobInfoList afileCtime=&quot;1636235513&quot; appId=&quot;27&quot; commcellId=&quot;2&quot; jobId=&quot;379474&quot;/>&lt;jobInfoList afileCtime=&quot;1636245478&quot; appId=&quot;27&quot; commcellId=&quot;2&quot; jobId=&quot;379503&quot;/>&lt;jobInfoList afileCtime=&quot;1636325530&quot; appId=&quot;27&quot; commcellId=&quot;2&quot; jobId=&quot;379782&quot;/>&lt;jobInfoList afileCtime=&quot;1636412024&quot; appId=&quot;27&quot; commcellId=&quot;2&quot; jobId=&quot;380077&quot;/>&lt;jobInfoList afileCtime=&quot;1636498524&quot; appId=&quot;27&quot; commcellId=&quot;2&quot; jobId=&quot;380370&quot;/>&lt;jobInfoList afileCtime=&quot;1636585429&quot; appId=&quot;27&quot; commcellId=&quot;2&quot; jobId=&quot;380664&quot;/>&lt;jobInfoList afileCtime=&quot;1636671932&quot; appId=&quot;27&quot; commcellId=&quot;2&quot; jobId=&quot;380951&quot;/>&lt;/databrowse_JobInfoList>\"/></browseAdvancedConfigReq><extendedConfig><browseAdvConfigLiveBrowse><mountMa type=\"3\"/></browseAdvConfigLiveBrowse></extendedConfig></advConfig></advOptions><queries queryId=\"0\" type=\"0\"><dataParam><paging firstNode=\"0\" pageSize=\"4294967295\" skipNode=\"0\"/></dataParam></queries><applicationInfo><indexingInfo connectBackHost=\"\" connectBackService=\"\" extendedOptions=\"\" idxAppType=\"33\" jobId=\"381151\" maMangled=\"*alzheimer2_MediaAgent*8410\" multiClientRequest=\"0\" workerId=\"489\"><indexdbList backupsetGuid=\"9C557C64-641C-4D9B-9198-1D6A1F0BFC11\" idxAppType=\"0\" idxDbEngineType=\"1\" maMangledName=\"*alzheimer2_MediaAgent*8410\"><dbInfo DbIdentifer=\"9C557C64-641C-4D9B-9198-1D6A1F0BFC11\"/></indexdbList><mainIndexDb backupsetGuid=\"9C557C64-641C-4D9B-9198-1D6A1F0BFC11\" idxAppType=\"0\" idxDbEngineType=\"1\" maMangledName=\"*alzheimer2_MediaAgent*8410\"><dbInfo DbIdentifer=\"9C557C64-641C-4D9B-9198-1D6A1F0BFC11\"/><subclientInfos appGuid=\"B4A1012A-A98C-4A02-B8FA-7A648881C964\" appId=\"27\" latestIdxAfCtime=\"1636671932\" minIdxAfCtime=\"1636234605\"/></mainIndexDb><flags SynthFullStreamMode=\"0\" browseFromCache=\"0\" createRestVectors=\"1\" crossComponentWorker=\"0\" getVectorNames=\"0\" includeVersions=\"0\" instantSend=\"0\" isRefCopyClient=\"0\" mergeMultiClientBrowseData=\"0\" multiEntityBrowse=\"0\" populateCache=\"0\" retentionBrowse=\"0\" showFolderSize=\"0\" showItemsMarkedDeleted=\"0\" superBrowse=\"0\" superBrowseNoLock=\"0\" superBrowseWorker=\"0\" syntheticFull=\"0\"/></indexingInfo></applicationInfo></databrowse_BrowseRequest>";#DBIdentifier="9C557C64-641C-4D9B-9198-1D6A1F0BFC11:9C557C64-641C-4D9B-9198-1D6A1F0BFC11";#SingleStreamSynthFull="1";#SkipAppendingVersion="0"
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 CVOnDemandSvcClient::SubmitTask() - On Demand service CVODS_indexserver_alzheimer2_mediaagent_2 launched at host*alzheimer2_MediaAgent*8410*8402. Unique ID is B20E9866-F18A-493A-9FD2-4568F7C3B7D5
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 CVOnDemandSvcClient::Attach() - Successfully attached to on Demand service CVODS_indexserver_alzheimer2_mediaagent_2 launched at host*alzheimer2_MediaAgent*8410*8402. Unique ID is B20E9866-F18A-493A-9FD2-4568F7C3B7D5
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 Init() - Initializing job control [token=No Token,cn=alzheimer2_MediaAgent], serverName [], ControlFlag [7], Job Id [381151]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 CVJobCtrlLog::registerProcess(): successfully created file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore3\Base\JobControl\20.124]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 isCCSDbEnabled() - Use CCSDb Enabled [0] IsCloudLaptop [0] IsFSCoreLaptop [0]
20124 2154 11/12 13:34:42 381151 CVJobCtrlLog::unregisterProcess(): successfully removed file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore3\Base\JobControl\20.124]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 destClient =*serwer875_Recovery*9400*9401 localHostName =
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 Data Interface Pair is*serwer875_Recovery*9400*9401 =>*alzheimer2_MediaAgent*8410
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:42 381151 Demangled MediaAgent Data Interface*alzheimer2_MediaAgent*8410 to
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::createRestoreProcess() - remote executable = clRestore.exe, commandline args = -commcellid 2 -appid 27 -port 0 -host -ptype 2 -destClientId 131 -maHostName -ReaderId 0 -rawdatapart 1
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::acceptSession() - Client Session will be kept alive
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::acceptSession() - Keep Alive Messages will be sent every 300 minutes
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 Init() - Initializing job control [token=No Token,cn=alzheimer2_MediaAgent], serverName [], ControlFlag [3], Job Id [381151]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVJobCtrlLog::registerProcess(): successfully created file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore3\Base\JobControl\20.124]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - Sending initialization data:
20124 f80 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::jobCtrlThreadProcMember() - Thread jobCtrlThreadProc started.
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - seqNum = [4436701244200]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - appNumber = [27]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - appType = [33]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - commCellId = [2]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - copyId = [0]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - jobId = [381151]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - subClient = [default]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - numFiles = [4]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - srcClient = []
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - destClient = []
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - userName = [NULL]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - initRestartNumber = [0]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - noLossRestore = [0]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - mountDbsAfterRestore = [0]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - Sent message FSR_MSG_INIT_DATA
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - Client version is [16]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::sendInitData() - Sent message FSR_MSG_INIT_DATA_VER2
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::init() - Initialization of client [] subclient [default] completed.
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::setRestoreParameters() - Sending restore parameters:
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::setRestoreParameters() - options = [1000b8]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::setRestoreParameters() - destDir = [X:\CVBMR\OneTouch\ClientFiles\InfoFiles\serwer875]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::setRestoreParameters() - numSrcPaths = [1]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::setRestoreParameters() - Sending [1] pathnames to be restored
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::setRestoreParameters() - pathname [0]: [\[System State]\Special Components\One Touch Files]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:43 381151 CVRestoreFiles::restoreFile() - Sending FSR_MSG_OPEN_ARCHIVE (2,5,589062)
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:45 381151 CVRestoreFiles::restoreFile() - Launching feedbackThreadProc thread…
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:45 381151 RestoreItemCallback::ProcessRestoreResponse() - processed all items for restore.
20124 346c 11/12 13:34:45 381151 CVRestoreFiles::feedbackThreadProcMember() - Thread feedbackThreadProc started.
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:45 381151 NoPrefix STATISTICS: Total Items [4], Items Pushed to client [4], Failed [0]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:45 381151 CVRestoreFiles::waitForCompletion() - Sending FSR_MSG_CLOSE_ARCHIVE
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:45 381151 CVRestoreFiles::waitForCompletion() - Sending FSR_MSG_WAIT_ARCHIVE_CLOSED
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:45 381151 CVRestoreFiles::waitForCompletion() - Waiting for feedbackThreadProc to terminate…
20124 346c 11/12 13:34:45 381151 CVRestoreFiles::ProcessXDRMessage() - Received FSR_MSG_WAIT_ARCHIVE_CLOSED
20124 346c 11/12 13:34:45 381151 CVRestoreFiles::feedbackThreadProcMember() - Feedback Thread is done…
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:45 381151 CVRestoreFiles::finalize() - Waiting for Job Control Thread to finish…
20124 f80 11/12 13:34:46 381151 CVRestoreFiles::jobCtrlThreadProcMember() - Job Control Thread is done…
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:46 381151 CVRestoreFiles::finalize() - Launching feedbackThreadProc thread…
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:46 381151 CVRestoreFiles::finalize() - MSG_RESTORE_END sent to client
20124 5ae0 11/12 13:34:46 381151 CVRestoreFiles::feedbackThreadProcMember() - Thread feedbackThreadProc started.
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:46 381151 CVRestoreFiles::finalize() - Waiting for feedbackThreadProc to terminate…
20124 5ae0 11/12 13:34:46 381151 CVRestoreFiles::ProcessXDRMessage() - Received FSR_MSG_RESTORE_END
20124 5ae0 11/12 13:34:47 381151 CVRestoreFiles::ProcessXMLMessage(6865) - Received DISCONNECT request
20124 5ae0 11/12 13:34:47 381151 CVRestoreFiles::SetExtentRestoreStatus() - Setting the status
20124 5ae0 11/12 13:34:47 381151 CVRestoreFiles::feedbackThreadProcMember() - Feedback Thread is done…
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:47 381151 CVRestoreFiles::finalize() - Sending FSR_MSG_RESTORE_END to fsStartRestore.
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:47 381151 CVJobCtrlLog::unregisterProcess(): successfully removed file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore3\Base\JobControl\20.124]
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:47 381151 Quit flag set, Exiting
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:47 381151 NoPrefix Error while sending Browse cleanup request. Please restart IndexServer service.
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:47 381151 NoPrefix Restore Done
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:57 381151 ::main() - Sending disconnect to FSStartRestore
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:58 381151 ::main() - Received disconnect reply
20124 4f38 11/12 13:34:58 381151 ::main() - Exiting..

Best answer by Mike Struening RETIRED

Sharing solution:

The customer informed that the Virtulize me process was completed, however, the VM but machine boots to windows having issues installing
They had tested with other clients and that completed successfully
Found the restore completed with one or more errors

Verified that backup job as System State Backup
Reviewed the logs and found that Mini Setup was selected
Hence requested to Perform the virtualize me operation again with a different VM name so that the first attempt is not removed and make sure to check the box to not use mini setup

Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CRegistryMerge::WriteGuiRunOnceBatchFileForOfflineRestore - Minisetup : [true]
Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CRegistryMerge::WriteGuiRunOnceBatchFileForOfflineRestore - Clone : [true]
Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CRegistryMerge::WriteGuiRunOnceBatchFileForOfflineRestore - NIC different : [true], Driver Obtained From Cache : [false], Driver Obtained From Add Drivers Dialog [false]
Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CWizPropertySheet::IsMachineInDomain - Check if machine is in domain or not
Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CWizPropertySheet::IsMachineInDomain - Domain Name <FQDN>

Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : SOneTouchProfileSummary::PerformPostRestoreJobTasks - Using new host's FQDN = []

View original
Did this answer your question?

3 replies

Alireza B
  • Vaulter
  • 69 replies
  • November 22, 2021

Hi. Please log a support case so we can investigate. You can use 1Touch for a Domain Contrller baremetal recovery so this needs Support investigation. The only thing is SYSVOL restore option that you need to take care for a DC:

  • To restore Active Directory using 1-Touch Recovery, in the System State area, select Non-Authoritative from the Restore Option for SYSVOL drop-down box.

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 23 replies
  • November 25, 2021

Mike Struening

Sharing solution:

The customer informed that the Virtulize me process was completed, however, the VM but machine boots to windows having issues installing
They had tested with other clients and that completed successfully
Found the restore completed with one or more errors

Verified that backup job as System State Backup
Reviewed the logs and found that Mini Setup was selected
Hence requested to Perform the virtualize me operation again with a different VM name so that the first attempt is not removed and make sure to check the box to not use mini setup

Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CRegistryMerge::WriteGuiRunOnceBatchFileForOfflineRestore - Minisetup : [true]
Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CRegistryMerge::WriteGuiRunOnceBatchFileForOfflineRestore - Clone : [true]
Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CRegistryMerge::WriteGuiRunOnceBatchFileForOfflineRestore - NIC different : [true], Driver Obtained From Cache : [false], Driver Obtained From Add Drivers Dialog [false]
Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CWizPropertySheet::IsMachineInDomain - Check if machine is in domain or not
Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : CWizPropertySheet::IsMachineInDomain - Domain Name <FQDN>

Fri Nov 12 05:34:38 2021 : SOneTouchProfileSummary::PerformPostRestoreJobTasks - Using new host's FQDN = []


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