Why can it not be “any domain”? Why can I not access the Exchange Online data just with the service account? We have a setup that makes an access node that is “member of the domain” a bit difficult, as our CommCell serves more than one O365 environment.
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For that configuration you actually need 2 accounts one local and the other an online account. The local account is to query local AD and the other to query azure.
If you have to use an access node not in the domain you are backing up, I would suggest using the Exchange Online (Access through azure active directory) configuration.
I do not know the answer to you direct question, I assume this support is here for some special case. Using this option the Access node must be domain joined, same for Hybrid configuration, and authentication is done against the on-prem domain controllers I assume, before connecting to EXO.
If you only plan to backup EXO based mailboxes, the best option is to go with Exchange Online (Access Through Azure AD). It also best to configure this support through the Command Center Console (web) vs the Java\CommCell console, since that is where development is focused moving forward.
The CCC has an “Create Exchange Online app” wizard that makes the setup much easier:
Using the Java\CommCell console the steps for setting up EXO support using Azure AD only are here: