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Hello Commvault Community,

I'm trying to backup PostgreSQL with FSBased backup, somehow it failed at 74%. When I checked the log, it shows that there is invalid archive log directory (Log file attached). 

In our PostgreSQL.conf, we are using bash command in archive_command row. I also configured the postgres instance in Commvault using the path from archive_command bash file. So the path to archive log should be correct.

In looks like Commvault managed to transfer data but it failed to stop the Backup Query.

Please advice. Thanks in advance.


Backup fails to locate postgres logs in archive log directory [/pgsql/digicore-prod/archive/digicore-prod]

Backup label content says BACKUP FROM: standby
Is this a standby instance? Do we have postgres logs in the above directory (in the same machine)?


Can you please run backup from master instance? For backup from standby please use Cluster Backup Support for PostgreSQL ( 


Hi Meera,

Thanks for the reply.

I have configured Master-Standby as documented for 11.32 Version.

I also try to backup from Master node, unfortunately the condition of WAL log in master Node is directly dumped to Standby node. In short, there is only one path of Archive-Log and the location is in Standby-Node.

We have tried Dumpbased backup but the performance is really slow. So FSBasedBackup is the only option. Is there a way to directly backup with FSBasedBackup from Standby Node but considered as standalone node?


Don’t think its possible. Already asked about that some time ago. 


Archive logs backups will be always executed from master node.

For question - Is there a way to directly backup with FSBasedBackup from Standby Node but considered as standalone node?

→ No, this is not  possible because because before we start backup, we need to put cluster in backup mode with pg_start_backup() query which we only run on a master.


The main problem is this: We are not able to get output for this below query. We need more logs to figure out why this happened. (importantly PostgresSession.log)

806475 c4e4b 10/22 13:34:55 3367 QueryPostgres() - Sent query eselect pg_walfile_name ( '45A8/B1FE0EA8' );] to Server
806475 c4e4b 10/22 13:34:55 3367 QueryPostgres() - Failed to get query output from connection service
