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Fully disassociate a moved SAP HANA Client from its old Storage Policy

  • 6 January 2023
  • 2 replies

I have a SAP HANA Client named HANA_CQN which was previously using an old storage policy named SP_Tier2. I created a new storage policy named StgP-Tier2-ECDC and I migrated my SAP HANA Client to this new storage policy by changing all the Storage Device Storage Policy Property settings to this new storage policy. But when I view the Properties for the old storage policy SP_Tier2 under the Associated Subclients tab, I see that the SAP HANA Client named HANA_CQN still appears in the diagram.


The diagram indicates that the client is still associated with the old storage policy because of the fact that it belongs to two Client Computer Groups. But looking at the properties of the two Client Computer Groups, one group involves an automatic association query of 5 storage policies including the 2 storage policies in this case. While the other client group is an individual manual addition. And as such, there doesn’t seem to be a direct connection between the Client Computer Group and the individual client storage policies. And other individual non-SAP HANA clients, when having their storage policies changed, will be competely disassociated with the old storage policy.


Therefore, I’d like to know how to fully disassociated this SAP HANA Client from its old Storage Policy.


2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Good afternoon.  Can you please check and verify if you have a storage policy associated to one of the client groups?

Badge +5

Good afternoon.  Can you please check and verify if you have a storage policy associated to one of the client groups?

Well, the storage policy in question has a few clients which are part of that particular client. But for individual client HANA_CQN (a SAP HANA client) has its storage policy moved. That particular client is part of two Client Groups as seen in the picture above. But I don’t know why that would prevent the client from completely disassociate that client from the old Storage Policy.


