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Hi Commvault People,


An interesting issue which cropped up when reviewing our environment recently.


Back in the V9 days, Commvault used to provide a shedload of recommended filters, such as **.TMP and all that kind of thing.


Subsequently that was added to, based on the customer requirements, such as mdf, ldf for those of us that are using SQL agents. And all of these filters were added into the Global Filters or Cell Level etc.

However …. i noticed that in V11, that Commvault will exclude files from backup based on a registry key in windows which has a pre-assembled list of items to be excluded.


So you don’t have now exclude those old-school V9 filters (although keep your pesonliased, site-configurables obviously).


Anywayz … just thought I’d throw it out there, coz for those of us who have upgraded over the years you may not have been aware.




Nice tip @MountainGoat,

This can help unscramble the mystery as to why files may be missing from backup. Besides the registry key, the default filter of “System protected files returned by system writer” is probably the one that is frequently asked about - it will exclude the executable file (.exe) associated with any system service. It will of course, be included in the system state backup instead.

I can stop excluding Netscape cache directories? :)


Nice tip @MountainGoat,

This can help unscramble the mystery as to why files may be missing from backup. Besides the registry key, the default filter of “System protected files returned by system writer” is probably the one that is frequently asked about - it will exclude the executable file (.exe) associated with any system service. It will of course, be included in the system state backup instead.


Ah - so it may appear that exe’s are missing, say if you are browsing through C-drive\blah\ but they are picked up on the System State backup?


Yup!  The components are backed up via the System State backup and restorable via the same.
