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HealthCheck Report issue

  • November 29, 2022
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Hello team

I need your help about the problem that happened. I have a schedule that executes a HealtCheck report. but it ended with a mistake . I analyzed the logs and i see a lot of error but i didn t find any explaination I would like to ask you to look at the problem and answer what could be the problem? Screenshots in the attachment. Many thanks for your help


Machine : hostname
File    : JobManager.log

5600  193c  11/29 10:18:24 961568  Servant    [*** Scheduled Report Request ***]
5600  193c  11/29 10:18:24 961568  Servant    The JobID for the Scheduled Report Request is [961568]
5600  40c   11/29 10:18:24 961568  Scheduler  Phase [1-Scheduled Report] (0,0) started on [076SY100.XXXX] in [1669713505] second(s) - scheduledReport.exe -j 961568 -a 26425 -t 8012 
5600  430c  11/29 10:18:24 961568  Servant    Reg [Control] received. Client [XXXXX plattype = 1
5600  430c  11/29 10:18:26 961568  Scheduler  Set pending cause [Report Failed]::Client [XXXX] Application [scheduleReport] Message Id [587203041] Error code [35:481] RCID [0] ReservationId [0].  Level [0] flags [0] id [0] overwrite [0] append [0] CustId[0].
5600  3128  11/29 10:18:26 961568  Scheduler  Phase [Failed] message received from [076SY100.XXX Module [scheduleReport] Token [] restartPhase [0]
5600  3128  11/29 10:18:26 961568  Scheduler   -> [Failed] <-   Scheduled Report


9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:24 961568 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr [<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><adminOpts><reportOption><commonOpt endUserSecurity="0" reportType="8012" reportCustomName="Taches Copies Auxiliaires - 7 Jours.pdf" emailType="2"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val="s.exploitation@XXX"/><locale country="BE" language="fr" locale="fr-be" LCID="2060" displayString="français (Belgique)" localeName="fr" localeId="6"/><outputFormat outputType="6" isCompressed="0"/></commonOpt><webReportOption reportType="CustomReports" reportId="42" webconsoleClientId="2" filePrefix="Aux copy job details" webserverId="0" url="%2Freportsplus%2FreportViewer.jsp%3FreportId%3D42%26pageSize%3D-1%26exportType%3Dpdf%26viewportWidth%3D1600"><executiveSummaryOption headName="" commCellGroupList="" designation=""/><customDocumentOption guid=""/></webReportOption></reportOption></adminOpts></TMMsg_JobOption>]
9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:24 961568 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating Aux copy job details
9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:25 961568 CheckAccessibility() - cvInternetGateway download failed with error [0xEDD00000:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(463)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(614)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(690)/CvCURL.0.0x0-Requested Operation Failed. Return value from CURL: [0] Response code from server: [401]}]
9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:25 961568 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Failed to generate report using any web console.
9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:25 961568 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=[8012] task ID=[961568].
9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:25 961568 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - Aux copy job details : Report Failed
9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:25 961568 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console [http://076SY100.XXXX:80/webconsole].
9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:25 961568 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Calling SendEmailTemplateMail with UserId [1] LocaleId [0] TokenXML:[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest customWrapper="<!doctype html>&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;title>Message&lt;/title>&lt;/head>&lt;body>&lt;div style=&quot;width: auto; padding : 0; margin: 0 auto; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;table border=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666; background: #ffffff; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;tbody>&lt;tr>&lt;td width=&quot;100 % &quot; valign=&quot;middle&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666666; background: #ffffff; vertical - align: middle; font - size: 1em; line - height: 1.2em; text - align: left; font - family: Helvetica, Arial, sans - serif; &quot;>[CONTENT_EMAIL]&lt;/td>&lt;/tr>&lt;/tbody> &lt;/table>&lt;/div>&lt;/body>&lt;/html>" isReport="1" templateTypeId="14"><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_URL" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_FAILURE_STRING" value="&lt;br>&lt;a href = &quot;http://076SY100.XXXX:80/webconsole/reportsplus/reportViewer.jsp?reportId=42&amp; &quot;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66; font-family:Tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 24px;&quot;>Aux copy job details&lt;/a>&lt;br>&lt;div style = &quot;margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Generated by schedule:  &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  >&lt;a href = &quot;http://076SY100.XXX:80/webconsole/reports/reports.jsp?page=scheduleSettings&quot;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>Taches Copies Auxiliaires - 7 Jours&lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;br>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>&#xC9;tat: &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  style=&quot;color:#fc0000;&quot; >&#xC9;chec du rapport&lt;/font>&lt;br>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>ID de t&#xe2;che : &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  > &lt;a href = &quot;http://076SY100.XXXX:80/adminconsole/#/jobs/961568&quot; style=&quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>961568&lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;/div>"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_UNSUBSCRIBE" value="&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>To stop receiving these E-mails, please click  &lt;a href=&quot;http://076SY100.XXX:80/webconsole/;; style = &quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>here.&lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;br>&lt;br>"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SUBJECT" value="Aux copy job details"/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val="s.exploitation@XXX"/><attachments attachmentName="" attachmentPath=""/></Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest>]
9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:26 961568 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Email template not found.
9180  3af4  11/29 10:18:26 961568 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 961568


many thanks




Best answer by Mike Struening RETIRED

Hi @dgo , thanks for the post and welcome!

There’s a form ID for this issue (form ID 2191: Summary : Schedule failures when SSO is enabled on the domain.).

this is released via 11.26.13, or 11.28.0.

Can you confirm what version you are on?

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Mike Struening

Hi @dgo , thanks for the post and welcome!

There’s a form ID for this issue (form ID 2191: Summary : Schedule failures when SSO is enabled on the domain.).

this is released via 11.26.13, or 11.28.0.

Can you confirm what version you are on?

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  • December 1, 2022

Hi Mike,


Thank you for your reply.

the version 11.26.8




Mike Struening


You can find the latest Maintenance Release here:

Once applied, let me know if everything is now working as expected!

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  • December 2, 2022

Hi Mike





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