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When running Auxcopies I can watch a job over a sustained period and the streams will gradually decrease. If however I kill the job and resubmit I can see double the amount of streams in the job.


Can someone please explain how new streams are added to Auxcopy Jobs, and is there benefit in killing some long running jobs and restarting them.

Hi @Kiwi_Dave 

We have some items in the Aux Copy FAQ that goes over how stream allocation works -

The behavior you’re seeing sounds like it’s a result of the Space Optimized Aux Copy option -

With this option enabled the Aux copy will run with less concurrent streams than available in order to achieve a better dedup ratio, and with Scalable Resources enabled the Aux will process the streams in batches.

So check and see if Space Optimized Aux copy is enabled, and disable it if so - kill and relaunch the aux copy and check the stream performance.
