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Running commserve 11.22.13

I just recently opened the flood gates on our new commvault environment and ran a bunch of jobs last night.  All the jobs appear successful but I noticed when I looked at the adminconsole Backup job Summary under the summary section I see “FAILED FOLDERS” was 1,211.  Seems like a lot with only like 15 or so small clients (windows, linux, SQL Server).

How do I determine what folders are failing and from what server/client or job.?  Im not having much luck figureing this out myself.   I understand these folders could be folders that are being used and not able to get backup but would like to know what they are.  Thanks in advance






Job Summary report should have an option to list the failed files individually.

These are failed Folders and not seeing the option to list them or export them etc…  But then again I new to the admin console reports

Hey @bc1410 !  You can run the Job summary report and include Failed files in the Java console as @Aplynx mentioned, or view failed items per job in the Command Center job view.

Including this thread which discusses in better detail:


Thanks Aplynx & Mike
