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Hi Commvault Experts!

Please advise us on how to change the retention period for the Office 365 Online Exchange. I have noticed that the retention period specified in the classical storage policy for Exchange Online 365 is not being followed. Indeed, I can see in the Data Retention Forecast and Compliance report that Data Aging is disabled for special clients.

We attempted to adjust the Office 365 Plan: Standard Office 365 Mailbox retention policy—Received Time-Based Retention (under Policies → Configuration Policies → Exchange Policies in the Commvault Java Console)—but it didn’t help. After running data aging, old data is still present in the primary backup storage.

In the Command Center, we couldn’t find an option to change the retention period—perhaps because a server plan type is being used instead of an Office 365 plan?

In general, how can we remove old data that isn’t aged due to Data Aging being disabled for special clients—in our case, the Office 365 Exchange client? Where can Data Aging be enabled?

Your help and any experience you can share will be greatly appreciated!

Hi ​@drPhil,

DataAging is disabled for special clients”, it means that these clients do not follow the retention set for the plan but follow their own retention rules.

Kindly refer below document and create an Office 365 Plan for Exchange Online and map the clients for new plan.*7l9z2j*_gcl_au*MTMxMzc3NjUxLjE3MzAxMTA1MDk


Hi ​@drPhil 

Just to add

The retention under the storage policy is being ignored and it will use the retention under the o365 plan

For the Exchange archiver agent, If you have ‘retain messages based on received time for’ and you’ve defined 365 days, you are telling the software that you do not want to be able to restore any messages over 365 days old.

If we change Retention settings,  It would apply to the existing archived data, it doesn’t need to re-archive the mailboxes to update. 

Once you’ve made the retention policy change / applied a new o365 policy to the desired mailbox, a retention operation is triggered by a background process that runs every 24 hours by default.

you can modify the current policy and it will apply to all users associated with it.

If specific individuals require different retention, create a new o365 policy and assign it to them or leave the existing ‘indefinite’ for them.

Please confirm with the business before making any retention changes as once it's changed and the process runs, you’ll lose the ability to browse/restore data that has met retention.

Also Refer

