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Hello Community


our DBA is requesting assistance in retrieving the MSSQL LSN number from the Commvault log.

For this MSSQL AG (Availability Group) backup, I accessed the active node during the backup process and examined the sqlida.log file. However, despite increasing the SQLIDA debug level to 10, the LSN information does not appear to be present in the log.


Just discovered that the LSN information can be found in the sqlbackup.log file only. However, I'm curious as to why certain SQL servers have both the sqlbackup module and the sqldia module, while others only have the sqldia module.

FR28 and above use SQLBackup.log and SQLRestore.log.  Jobs run prior to FR28 use SQLiDA.log


@Orazan thanks

if clients are in SP24 and how to get lsn info without upgrade to SP28
