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How to migrate client to a new Commcell

  • 15 March 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi, is there a way to migrate a client from one Commserve to another completely new?
I do not need the history of the backups performed but only to keep the configurations, like subclient content.


I tried in the Commcell console by installing a new Client with the option “fetch the configuration information...” but at the end it looks for an xml file "preimagemodefile.xml".


Currently both the old Commserve and the Client are reachable via IP from the new Commserve.



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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

@Gabriele Palumbo , if the client currently is configured to speak to the ‘old’ CommCell, and you don’t want to import any data, then you have 2 options:

  1. install the client software on another instance
  2. uninstall the software and reinstall it pointing to the new CS

Option 2 is much easier and less likely to cause headaches.  Unless you want to maintain connection from the old CS to this client, go with option 2.