Hello everyone,
I am currently facing a problem:
Backup for a large CIFS volume (> 50 TB! on NetApp) should run as follows:
1. backup as incremental via SnapShot on productive filer several times a day
2. transfer the SnapShots via snapvault to a backup NetApp via snapvault (aux copy)
so far no problem ... then:
3. backup of the last incremental SnapShot of the week from the backup Netapp to S3 (with DDB) and then synthetic full to get a new full again.
-> This is possible in principle as the backup is incremental but a snapshot always contains everything. This means that only the diff of this last snapshot to the last synthetic full has to be backed up and this is only approx. 2 - 3 TB per week.
4. once a quarter backup of the last (synthetic) full from S3 to tape (regulation) … no problem as well
Unfortunately, Backup Copy ignores all incremental backups wif I use selection rules (even with “Apply selection rule for snap jobs” selected). I can either specify "all backups" here, but then I would have several backup copy jobs to S3 every day and this is not possible with the amount of data, or I can set it to manual and then pick the last job manually for backup copy. The latter also works with the correct result ... only ... I would of course like to automate the picking via REST or PowerShell or WorkFlow.
Unfortunately I can't find anything for this
Best regards