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Hi folks,

I’m a relatively new Commvault admin so I’m learning a lot of this as I go. My teammate and I were tasked with testing a back-up to S3 storage hosted by our overarching IT dept. We set up an aux copy to go to the S3 bucket, did our testing, and now I need to clean up the remnants of our testing in the Commcell Browser. I’m not sure if I can just “right click and delete” or if there is a proper way to remove everything.

Here is what we have:

Storage Resources > Deduplication Engines: one related to the S3 storage

Library: there was one for the S3 storage, but this was removed at the conclusion of our testing

Storage Pool: one related to the S3 storage

Storage Policy: one related to the S3 storage, a second one under our main storage policy related to the S3 bucket (the actual aux copy)

The part that I’m a little worried about is the ddb for this test ended up in the same folder as the ddb for our global copy policy, so I don’t want to accidentally delete the ddb we need when deleting the ddb for the test.

So, my question is, how can I safely delete everything involving the S3 storage test without deleting things we actually need?

One all jobs that are in the DDB in question either are deleted or age naturally, the DDB will be removed.  You should be able to remove the library from there.

There doesn’t appear to be any jobs for the DDB, and the library for the S3 has long since been deleted (probably about a month and a half ago). In fact, we’re getting an email saying there’s been an “unusual drop in the pruning performance for the following database” regarding the DDB for the S3 storage, probably because Commvault can no longer access the S3 storage library?

Since the library is already gone, can the storage policies be safely removed by right-clicking and selecting delete? We don’t need to save anything from them.
