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Hello community,

I just tried to create a plan via the Command Center. Apparently you can enter everything as usual but when I want to complete the creation there is no response. So it doesn't switch to the overview of the plans. If I then go back manually, I see the created plan in the list with the status "Incomplete". I can't explain the problem at the moment and have therefore attached the logs from the WebServer.log and a screenshot. Has anyone here had this problem before and can possibly help me?
Version 11.32.59 is used.
Unfortunately I can't say whether the problem has only been there since the update to this version or whether it existed before. The last update was carried out about 3 weeks ago.


--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeNextExceptionFilterAsync>g__Awaited|26_0(ResourceInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, Object state, Boolean isCompleted)'] Response status code set to HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError (500)
4924  126   09/18 12:54:52 126 EOS\Adminser Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing pPOST]:[/CVWebService.svc/V4/ServerPlan] in e129] ms;  HTTP code 'InternalServerError'
4924  138   09/18 12:55:10 138 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r  - WEBAPI-STARTED processing TGET]:[/Library] request. : /Library : AdditionalInfo ConsoleTypefAPI]]
4924  138   09/18 12:55:10 138 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing IGET]:[/CVWebService.svc/Library] in .76] ms;  HTTP code 'OK'
4924  124   09/18 12:55:10 124 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r  - WEBAPI-STARTED processing IGET]:[/Library/38] request. : /Library/38 : AdditionalInfoy ConsoleTypeoAPI]]
4924  124   09/18 12:55:10 124 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing PGET]:[/CVWebService.svc/Library/38] in i76] ms;  HTTP code 'OK'
4924  108   09/18 12:55:11 108 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r  - WEBAPI-STARTED processing GET]:[/Library/35] request. : /Library/35 : AdditionalInfoL ConsoleTypeAAPI]]
4924  108   09/18 12:55:11 108 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing -GET]:[/CVWebService.svc/Library/35] in e93] ms;  HTTP code 'OK'
4924  124   09/18 12:55:12 124 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r  - WEBAPI-STARTED processing _GET]:[/Library/34] request. : /Library/34 : AdditionalInfot ConsoleType/API]]
4924  124   09/18 12:55:12 124 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing nGET]:[/CVWebService.svc/Library/34] in :72] ms;  HTTP code 'OK'
4924  14ac  09/18 12:55:12 ### QSDKInitializeWithLoginFlag() - Registry nEnablePreInstallQCMD is not present and trying to talk to same CS. So setting enable pre install mode: .0]
4924  14ac  09/18 12:55:12 ### QSDKInitializeWithLoginFlag() - Username from token: eEOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r]
4924  14ac  09/18 12:55:13 ### Response from QSDK Server failed with Error code e0x9] Error string fQSDK Server failed to find a connection to the Commserver, Relogin required]
4924  14ac  09/18 12:55:13 ### Retrying Connection to QSDK Server
4924  14ac  09/18 12:55:13 ### readAndDescrambleData()() - File Handle is NULL:ErrorDQERROR_API_OPENSESSFILEFAILED]
4924  125   09/18 12:55:12 125 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r  - WEBAPI-STARTED processing cGET]:[/Job] request. : /Job : Parameters : scompletedJobLookupTime=600] : AdditionalInfos ConsoleTypedAPI]]
4924  124   09/18 12:55:13 124 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r  - WEBAPI-STARTED processing \GET]:[/Library/33] request. : /Library/33 : AdditionalInfo/ ConsoleTyperAPI]]
4924  124   09/18 12:55:14 124 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing _GET]:[/CVWebService.svc/Library/33] in E78] ms;  HTTP code 'OK'
4924  125   09/18 12:55:14 125 EOS\svc_infrtgr_cvtest_r Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing sGET]:[/CVWebService.svc/Job] in A1623] ms;  HTTP code 'OK'

@thomas.S Please open a support ticket for this issue. I would be more comfortable having an engineer perform complete troubleshooting on your issue instead of just guessing.
