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I want to install the package to install media agent and oracle client on linux server Red Hat 7 and i want to know the ports number required to be open between linux server and comm cell .

  1. We need to provide the required Firewall Ports need to open for Below Application.

Oracle, SQL, Exchange, AD, PostgreSQL, SharePoint.

Hi @Marwa , thanks for the post!

This should answer all of your questions:

Hi Mike,

 Thanks for useful reply .


I want to install the package for Media agent and commvault client for oracle stand alone linux server

Sounds good!

Here are the docs for each:

Media Agent Linux:


Each of those links starts with the pre-requisites and continues to the planning and the installation process.

Okay thanks

while I am trying to install the cvpkgadd package on mount point /export I get the error “NFS directory cannot be used”

Hi @Marwa !  that’s likely a permissions issue.

Please run the command - chmod -R 777 * on the directory containing the cvpkgadd script and attempt installation again. 

# chmod -R 777 /home/Unix


# cd /home/Unix

# chmod -R 777 cvpkgadd
