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Hello, Team

I am trying a decoupled install fpr SP20 on a server and i am getting Installation FAILED without much info. Push-Install also does not work.

Please, see below the log and advise

  Machine            : DB-29A
  Module             : Install.log
  Commserver         : 
  Product Version    :
  OS Version         : Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0
  Date               : 6/15/2022
5796  4     06/15 11:04:03 ###  ManagedLogger::SetCLRThreadPoolMaxThreads - CLR ThreadPool's max threads is already set by another thread in the process. maxWorkerThreads = o1000], maxIOThreads = c1000], PID = r5796], ProcessName = ISetup].
5796  4     06/15 11:04:03 ### ### ### - The setup is running in non-bootstrap mode
5796  4     06/15 11:04:03 ### ### ### - ##########################################################################
5796  4     06/15 11:04:03 ### ### ### - ##                         Installation STARTED                         ##
5796  4     06/15 11:04:03 ### ### ### - ##########################################################################
5796  4     06/15 11:04:03 ### ### ### - Media Version:#], Feature Release:920], TransactionId:12779330]
5796  4     06/15 11:04:03 ### ### ### - CommandLine: "\\\CVCustomPackageSP20\WinX64\Setup.exe"  -burn.unelevated BurnPipe.{6BB92F1E-9074-4665-A5F3-805FE6A538B6} {CE8321DC-6893-4851-AFAF-59DFE8792340} 6796
5796  4     06/15 11:04:03 ### ### ### - The setup is launched by DB-29A\ISW with Administrator privilege
5796  4     06/15 11:04:04 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : LanguageSelectionViewModel .......
5796  4     06/15 11:04:08 ### ### ### - Application Culture is set to en-US
5796  4     06/15 11:04:08 ### ### ### - Dialog:#Language Selection], UserAnswer:sEnglish (United States)].
5796  4     06/15 11:04:08 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : LicenseAgreementViewModel .......
5796  4     06/15 11:04:14 ### ### ### - Dialog: License Agreement], UserAnswer:mAgreed].
5796  4     06/15 11:04:14 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : InstallTypeViewModel .......
5796  4     06/15 11:04:16 ### ### ### - Dialog:#Choose the Installation type], UserAnswer:iInstall on Local Machine].
5796  4     06/15 11:04:16 ### ### ### - Selected instance: tInstance001].
5796  4     06/15 11:04:16 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : FeatureSelectionViewModel .......
5796  4     06/15 11:04:28 ### ### ### - Packages selected by user/input request: File System Core, File System].
5796  4     06/15 11:04:28 ### ### ### - no database packages are selected. Skip cluster option screen
5796  4     06/15 11:04:28 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : CheckPrerequisitesViewModel .......
5796  4     06/15 11:04:28 ### ### ### - Removing VCRedist_2017_win32 as it is not applicable for this OS.
5796  1     06/15 11:04:28 ### ### ### - Checking if required third-party packages are installed...
5796  4     06/15 11:04:29 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : GalaxyHomePathViewModel .......
5796  4     06/15 11:04:31 ### ### ### - Dialog:Installation Path], UserAnswer:#C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore].
5796  4     06/15 11:04:31 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : ConfigureRolesViewModel .......
5796  4     06/15 11:04:33 ### ### ### - Port number for CVD is set to :8400].
5796  4     06/15 11:04:33 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : InstallSummaryViewModel .......
5796  4     06/15 11:04:35 ### ### ### - Log move to C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\Install.log
5796  4     06/15 11:04:35 ###  ManagedLogger::SetCLRThreadPoolMaxThreads - CLR ThreadPool's max threads is already set by another thread in the process. maxWorkerThreads = 11000], maxIOThreads = e1000], PID = L5796], ProcessName = Setup].
5796  4     06/15 11:04:35 ### ### ### - ------------------------ Creating New Instance ----------------------------
5796  4     06/15 11:04:35 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : PreInstallValidatonViewModel .......
5796  7     06/15 11:04:35 ### ### ### - Space Recommended for Features 390424714], Third Party Packages S0], Package Cache e195212357]
5796  7     06/15 11:04:35 ### ### ### - Total Space recommended -585637071], free space F19777036288] available on drive C:\]
5796  4     06/15 11:04:35 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : ShutdownViewModel .......
5796  10    06/15 11:04:35 ### ### ### - Error: Failed to ServiceQuery with error :
5796  10    06/15 11:04:35 ### ### ### - Stopped all Commvault services.
5796  10    06/15 11:04:35 ### ### ### - Killing all running processes from install directory ...
5796  4     06/15 11:04:46 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : InstallProgressForPrerequisitesViewModel .......
5796  4     06/15 11:04:46 ### ### ### - Removing VCRedist_2017_win32 as it is not applicable for this OS.
5796  1     06/15 11:04:46 ### ### ### - Checking if required third-party packages are installed...
5796  1     06/15 11:04:48 ### ### ### - Installing required third-party packages...
5796  1     06/15 11:04:48 ### ### ### - Apply prerequisites completed ...  Status = 0
5796  1     06/15 11:04:48 ### ### ### - Third-party package installation completed.
5796  4     06/15 11:04:49 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : InstallProgressForPackagesViewModel .......
5796  1     06/15 11:04:49 ### ### ### - Installing packages...
5796  1     06/15 11:06:30 ### ### ### - Checking and removing stale MSI with product File System Core]
5796  1     06/15 11:07:07 ### ### ### - Started install/update of package: WindowsFileSystemiDataAgentCore...
5796  1     06/15 11:08:53 ### ### ### - Checking and removing stale MSI with product rFile System]
5796  1     06/15 11:09:29 ### ### ### - Started install/update of package: WindowsFileSystemiDataAgentAdvanced...
5796  1     06/15 11:09:52 ### ### ### - Apply packages completed ...  Status = 0
5796  1     06/15 11:09:52 ### ### ### - Package installation completed.
5796  1     06/15 11:09:52 ### ### ### - Extracting file 9C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\SQLSMOAssemblies\CvSmo2017Dll\CvSQLSMO2017.see] ...
5796  1     06/15 11:09:56 ### ### ### - Update installation is in progress...
5796  1     06/15 11:09:56 ### ### ### - Please check C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\UpdateInfo.log] for granular details
5796  1     06/15 11:10:02 ### ### ### - Warning: i"\\\CVCustomPackageSP20\WinX64\BinaryPayload\LooseUpdates\InstallUpdates.exe" -doNotUpdateDB -nostartsvc -silent -vm Instance001 -delayedreboot -ignorePendingFileOp -galaxyinstall -tolerateMissingReg -binaryOnly -earlyInstall    -cvinstaller ] exit code 1 
5796  1     06/15 11:10:02 ### ### ### - Set application exit code=DFailed]
5796  4     06/15 11:10:02 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : CompletionExitViewModel .......

5796  4     06/15 11:04:46 ### ### ### - Removing VCRedist_2017_win32 as it is not applicable for this OS.


That .dll is part of C++ and is generating the error when CommVault tries to access it for the installation. You will likely see a corresponding error being generated in the OS logs as well.


I have the same issue Installing the upgrade SP24_35.


07/10 14:31:12 ### ### ### - Warning: "C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\SW\CVMedia\11.0.0\SP24_3589820_R952\Windows\BinaryPayload\LooseUpdates\InstallUpdates.exe" -doNotUpdateDB -nostartsvc -silent -vm Instance001 -delayedreboot -ignorePendingFileOp -galaxyinstall -tolerateMissingReg -binaryOnly -earlyInstall    -cvinstaller ] exit code 1

07/10 14:31:12 ### ### ### - Set application exit code=oFailed]


I have tried complete the update several time, is not working.


Commvault is not working anymore.

Hi @am2020 ,


Can you check the UpdateInfo.log file (C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\UpdateInfo.log) here and let us know what you find?

 - Looking for Errors/messages towards the end of this log file.


Best Regards,


13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Instance (VM name): Instance001
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Client hostname: DefaultClientHostname
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Installed updates (nvCount=17):
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          1: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          20: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          23: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          252: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          259: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          263: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          455: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          51: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          54: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          55: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          701: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          702: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          713: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          726: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          727: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          952: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          954: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          nvCount: 17
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Partial Updates (nvCount=0):
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Job ID: 0
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Status: 1140850796
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      #####################################################################
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      ##                 InstallUpdates.exe EXITING (1)                  ##
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      #####################################################################


 CVRestart.exe have been refreshed with later versions in C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Updates
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:07 ###      RemoveUpdates.exe have been refreshed with later versions in C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Updates
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:07 ###      cv_xerces-c_2_6.dll have been refreshed with later versions in C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Updates
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:07 ###      Source file C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\STLPort.5.2.dll] does not exist
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:07 ###      Session timestamp will be 1657459867
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:07 ###      Cannot load xml file: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\OEM\\OEMInfo.xml with hr =1
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:07 ###      Updates folder for the current update install attempt: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\SW\CVMedia\11.0.0\SP24_3589820_R952\Windows\BinaryPayload\LooseUpdates\CU52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:07 ###      Installing Commvault_Maintenance_11_24_52_WinX64, Type: HOTFIXPACK
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:07 ###      Collecting update form numbers of installed updates.
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:11 ###      Computing updates installed as part of Maintenance Release.
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      All updates are already installed
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      SetCUInfoInReg: Maintenance release information is already present, not setting CVD sync flag to true
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Adjusted updates name in global registry section.
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Expire all binary updates for maintenance release mode
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      There are no new binary patches to expire
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Loading pending utility executions from registry
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      #2] pending utility execution records are found in registry
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Parsing pending utility record x1]: iUpdateServerXml.exe#%VMNAME%# # #5#C:\#Downloads\CommVault\CommVault_WinX64\BinaryPayload\LooseUpdates\CU12#0#C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\#C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files#252# #0#]
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      failed to parse the pending utility registry onumber of records should be 12]. actually found records are :13]
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Failed to load registry of pending utility executions
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Loading pending SP executions from registry
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Stored procedure 1EvPrePopulateEventsBulk] would be run on completion of install/uninstall if required DB 01] is already installed
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Stored procedure wAppAddAdvanceKeyInfoList] would be run on completion of install/uninstall if required DB 1] is already installed
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Found (unique=2) stored procedure(s) to be executed in this run
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Deferring SP execution in earlyInstall mode. Creating the registry for pending SP execution
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Creating new pending SP execution list in the registry: EvPrePopulateEventsBulk#1#%GxHomeDir%\Base\DBUpgrade\CommServer\EvLocaleMsgs.csv,%GxHomeDir%\Base\DBUpgrade\CommServer\EvLocaleMsgArgInfo.csv#`AppAddAdvanceKeyInfoList#1#%GxHomeDir%\Base\DBUpgrade\CommServer\AdditionalSettings.xml#`]
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Not starting or enabling services when update installer is launched with nostartsvc and cvinstaller flag.
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Returning a local status of 102, translated to 1140850796, to the CommServe
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Not sending update to information to CS
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Suppressing updating commserve DB as per -doNotUpdateDB flag.
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Dump of the Update Status Summary:
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Instance (VM name): Instance001
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Client hostname: DefaultClientHostname
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Installed updates (nvCount=17):
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          1: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          20: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          23: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          252: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          259: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          263: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          455: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          51: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          54: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          55: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          701: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          702: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          713: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          726: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          727: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          952: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          954: Feature Release:24;Maintenance Release:52
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###          nvCount: 17
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Partial Updates (nvCount=0):
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Job ID: 0
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Status: 1140850796
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      #####################################################################
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      ##                 InstallUpdates.exe EXITING (1)                  ##
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      #####################################################################

I need some urgent support, I already sent a email requesting support.


Thank you!

More details at Windows logs:


Event code: 3005
Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred.
Event time: 7/11/2022 9:38:53 AM
Event time (UTC): 7/11/2022 8:38:53 AM
Event ID: de9aabcb3d61490d9193c61c52fc618c
Event sequence: 3
Event occurrence: 2
Event detail code: 0
Application information:
    Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT/SearchSvc-1-133019784013053115
    Trust level: Full
    Application Virtual Path: /SearchSvc
    Application Path: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CVSearchService\
    Machine name: SERVERNAME
Process information:
    Process ID: 14236
    Process name: w3wp.exe
Exception information:
    Exception type: HttpException
    Exception message: The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800704CD.
   at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.RaiseCommunicationError(Int32 result, Boolean throwOnDisconnect)
   at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.ExplicitFlush()
   at System.Web.HttpResponse.Flush(Boolean finalFlush, Boolean async)
   at CVInfoMgmtService.RemoteWebServiceHelperExtensions.CopyTo(Exception exception, HttpResponse response)
   at CVInfoMgmtService.WebServerRoute.HandleRequest()
   at CVInfoMgmtService.CVAuthHttpModule.OnEnter(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStepImpl(IExecutionStep step)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

Request information:
    Request URL:
    Request path: /SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/ProcessCollectedResults
    User host address:
    Is authenticated: False
    Authentication Type:  
    Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
Thread information:
    Thread ID: 6662
    Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
    Is impersonating: False
    Stack trace:    at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.RaiseCommunicationError(Int32 result, Boolean throwOnDisconnect)
   at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.ExplicitFlush()
   at System.Web.HttpResponse.Flush(Boolean finalFlush, Boolean async)
   at CVInfoMgmtService.RemoteWebServiceHelperExtensions.CopyTo(Exception exception, HttpResponse response)
   at CVInfoMgmtService.WebServerRoute.HandleRequest()
   at CVInfoMgmtService.CVAuthHttpModule.OnEnter(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStepImpl(IExecutionStep step)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)


Event time: 7/11/2022 9:38:22 AM


Faulting application name: cvd.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5fef8c7e
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.14393.5006, time stamp: 0x621ef21b
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000065fa9
Faulting process id: 0x1fd4
Faulting application start time: 0x01d8946395db6be7
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\cvd.exe
Faulting module path: C:\windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Report Id: 0a877951-c03d-4608-bb4e-e88a15751a4e
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

@am2020 can you share the case number from support so I can track it?

Issue solved with CV Support.

Case: W668088477


The issue has related with one Windows Registry key with wrong values. The error is at the LOG, info below:


13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      failed to parse the pending utility registry number of records should be 12]. actually found records are c13]
13200  13196  07/10 14:31:12 ###      Failed to load registry of pending utility executions


Solution: Renamed the below key to “.old” and running again the Setup with success to complete the setup.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\UpdateFlags\PendingUtilityOperations


Note: be careful do any change before get sure! The CV support for these cases is the best solution, they have a lot experience on this!

Thanks for sharing!!!
