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Is there a QScript for enabling/including a VM for SLA measurement

  • February 3, 2022
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I can see qScripts for enabling a subclient for SLA ‘inclusion’

But I cant see one for individual VM’s


The scenario I have is

Over 1700 VM’s (various VM’s, Various Groups) have been marked as ‘Excluded from SLA property’

I've hunted for any Groups, Subclients that may have had an effect on the VM’s (There are non) and finally realised this ‘exclusion’ has been set at an individual VM level.

Rather than clicking through each individual VM, is there a QScript


I hope I havent missed something simple - as Excluded from SLA Property is a purposeful exclusion through a CommCell Option - But I simply cannot find where the exclusion is be ‘pushed’ from

And typically hitting ’Include in SLA’ (See the image above) will (sometimes) provide a reason why a VM is excluded and also ‘warn’ you that other related VM’s in ‘Group/Client/Subclient xyz’ will also be included




Best answer by YYZ


Support resolved this - 

There was no need for a script, There was an old GROUP policy I created (specifically) to exclude VM’s

The GROUP should only kick in when a client hasn't been seen for 14 days.

Regardless - The GROUP was the cause of  VMs being excluded

Support  - 220221-604 - did a superb job of viewing the issue with fresh eyes, and found the offending ‘GROUP’ in 48 hours.

That's whats so great about CommVault support ...great technical engineers, who look at a problem from a different angle and come up with brilliant solutions.



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Below doc links provide information on running a script for listing clients included/excluded from SLA as well as running a script to include/exclude from SLA. 





  • First, run the command to generate a list of clients excluded from SLA.

Command to list only those subclient which are excluded from SLA calculation: qoperation execscript -sn QS_ListSLAExclusionForSubclients -si 1 -file "c:\temp\sla.txt"

  • Next, modify this list if required to include for SLA.
  • Run the command to include the clients for SLA:

qoperation execscript -sn QS_SetSLAExclusionForSubclients -si "c:\temp\sla.txt" -si Include

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  • February 3, 2022

Thanks Sandip


I’ll give this a try now

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  • February 3, 2022

Hi @Sandip Domadia 


It ‘did not work’

The qScript ran fine - and it show the excluded subclients

(There are only 2 subclients out of 30 subclients excluded - and these were displayed correctly by the QScript


But it did not list the individual VMs, that re excluded at an individual VM level

These are the VM’s in the other 28 Subclients - 

These 28 Subclietns are not exclude from SLA

It is the individual VM’s within these 28 subclients that are excluded.


A Q Script would be need that individual ‘targeted’ each VM and list the same set of VM’s that are shown in the Excluded clients report (under the SLA report)

And would then ‘act’ on each VM in the list to ‘switch’ that VM to be part fo the SLA count

(ie the same identical action as clicking on the three ellipses … in the image JPEG above ( 





Mike Struening

Hey @YYZ , following up on this thread.  Were you able to find the script you needed?

If not, let me know and I’ll get some research into this (might need a CMR).

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  • March 14, 2022


Support resolved this - 

There was no need for a script, There was an old GROUP policy I created (specifically) to exclude VM’s

The GROUP should only kick in when a client hasn't been seen for 14 days.

Regardless - The GROUP was the cause of  VMs being excluded

Support  - 220221-604 - did a superb job of viewing the issue with fresh eyes, and found the offending ‘GROUP’ in 48 hours.

That's whats so great about CommVault support ...great technical engineers, who look at a problem from a different angle and come up with brilliant solutions.



Mike Struening

I know the engineer quite well!  I'll be sure to share the praise with him!

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