We have three media agents, and we are doing backup and restore using MA1-vmgrp1-plan1, MA2-vmgrp2-plan2, MA3-vmgrp3-plan3.
All the media have four lun mounted respectively and all 12 luns are being pathed to single library.
For each of these VM groups there are 27,27 & 27 VMs are assigned to be backed.
Backup is completing without error but while doing restore 2nd & 3rd MA is going into pending state after halfway mark. Even though restore is completing but no use as it is going into pending state in-between.
This is happening only in case of ddb enabled on commvault, in case of no ddb there is no issue while restore.
DDB only for MA one and for 2nd and 3rd MA there is not DDB partition.
Please feel free to ask for any additional details.
Hoping for some reply.
Thanks in advance.