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I recently downloaded a report called Job Statistics from the Commvault Store and when I import the report it doesn’t seem to link up with my system and shows no information.  I have had this with another performance report.  I don’t see anything in the store that tells me I need to change anything.  Has anyone had this issue with reports?  Am I doing something wrong?  Any help would be great.

In the store its called Job Statistics - Release Date Aug 2, 2019 - Version - Author Commvault

Thanks again in advance for any help with this.

Hi @Heath 


The Job Statistics Report need some requirement that might not be enable or configured correctly in your environment.

If the report is looking like the image below, please check the log named CustomReportEngine.log



In the log you might see a line(s) similar to this to the one below, if that is your case

the Index Store and/or Log Monitoring Roles are not enabled/configured

I will suggest to open a case with support to investigate further


10252 68812 07/28 11:06:57 : SEVERE: failed to retrieve data for datasource u], dataset aAll Resources], user uXX\username], error rcommvault.web.logmonitoring.engine.LogMonitoringException: No cores available for selected policies]





Thank you Juan, that is what I see, and I do have that error.  I will open up a case.  Thanks again for the help.
