Hello Commvault Community,
My name is Kamil.
I need your help with Kubernetes.
The client configured backups on the Kubernetes cluster, unfortunately, when an attempt is made to backup the components to which PVC is attached, an auxiliary container is created, whose task is to copy data from persistent volume. Unfortunately, the Pod is created automatically by Commvault, along with the image's path.
In the case of Client configuration, they do not have posted traffic to official docker repositories, therefore Pods hang in the ImagePullBackoff state. They've already tested manually changing the address of a broken Pod's image to the same image in their private docker registry, which was successful.
The client sent an example of the configuration they use.
“For example, for Poda rabbitmq-0 with pvc attached, it was created Pod/ data-xyz-cv-1816940. In Pod configuration:
- command:
- / bin / sh
- -c
- tail -f / dev / null
image: debian: stretch-slim”
I am asking you for help on how to permanently change path of the painting in the deployed Pods.
Thanks for help.