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We have migrated our user base over to utilizing the Command Center for performing restore tasks. As this is the case we are looking for a way to redirect the URL for the web console to the admin console. Thus far we have only been able to find ways to restrict access to the web console but not to redirect access. I have reviewed the documentation but have not had any luck in locating anything that will do what we need to do. Has anyone accomplished this in your own environment, if so how did you go about this. 



Hi @CEH , hope this finds you well!

You can change the url but I don’t think that is what you are looking for:

Are you trying to essentially force anyone going to the url for the web console to get redirected to the url for the admin console instead?

I’m not sure if we have that function (if not, opening a case with support to request a CMR is your best bet).






Thanks for the reply, I appreciate the input! Yes, essentially, we are looking for a way to redirect users to the admin console when they attempt to browse to the web console. 




I don’t see any option we have, though you may be able to get a DNS redirect rule in your network.

There is no way to redirect to Command Center currently, in such scenario. Please create a support case, if not done already.
