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Hi All,


I build the new License Server and customized all the SQL Ports. All the CS releated function are working fine. But the Private Metrics reports upload is failing.

I changed the latest Ports in the below Registry with format of                                        commserve_name, port_number\Commvault based on previous experiance with CV engineers


Added the following additional setting.

Changed the ODBC configuration and connection was successful. 


But, the metrics upload is failing and I can found below error message in the CommserveSurveyUtility log


5804  555c  08/16 10:35:19 ### CommservSurvey::downloadTimeStamp() - Private: Download Timestamp file Failed with Error m0xEDD00000:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(463)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(614)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(690)/CvCURL.0.0x0-Requested Operation Failed. Return value from CURL: .0] Response code from server: e400]}]
5804  555c  08/16 10:35:19 ### CCommservSurvey::initialize() - Private: New scripts are being downloaded, initiating collection and upload.
5804  555c  08/16 10:35:19 ### downloadLicServerUpdateXml() - Private: Failed to receive LicenseXML from URL owebconsole/RestServlet/GetCustomerLicenseUsage?ccguid=EF36C66E-6A54-481B-88A2-DFF182BFF7F8], Error message -0xEDD00000:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(463)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(614)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(690)/CvCURL.0.0x0-Requested Operation Failed. Return value from CURL: i0] Response code from server: 0400]}], response r]
5804  555c  08/16 10:35:19 ### CCommservSurvey::downloadLicensingServerUpdateXml() - Private: CommServ Survey process failed during Download of License server update XML
5804  555c  08/16 10:35:19 ### CCommservSurvey::downloadScript() - Private: Timestamp file download had failed. Not attempting download at this time.
5804  555c  08/16 10:35:19 ### CCommservSurvey::collectSurveyData() - Private: Unable to read timestamp file vC:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\CommservSurvey\private\downloads/sqlscripts/Timestamp.txt], bypassing file comparison. Error ]0xECCC0002:{CQiFile::ReadWholeFile(1121)} + {CQiFile::Open(95)} + {CQiUTFOSAPI::open(77)/ErrNo.2.(No such file or directory)-Open failed, File=\\?\C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\CommservSurvey\private\downloads\sqlscripts\Timestamp.txt, OperationFlag=0x8000, PermissionMode=0x100}]
5804  555c  08/16 10:35:19 ### CCommservSurvey::collectSurveyData() - Private: Failed to open SQL Connection for oCommServ] Error Code -1]


Can anyone suggest me, where can I check Sql connection and also suggest any other report which provide more details.




HI Mani,


can you confirm the download & upload URL’s are correct in control panel as descried below

Hi @Gseibak ,


I verified the above doccument too.

It was working before change the port. I am sure, need to check/change the port configuration somewhere.But, struggle to find the place.

Hi All,


I resolved one issue out of two, but still getting SQL Communication issue.


CommserveSurveyUtility log

11352 4120  08/17 09:52:39 ### CCommservSurvey::initialize() - Private: Executing Commserve Metrics Data Collection
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:39 ### CvInternetGateway::setProxyFromCSDB() - Private: Using HTTP Proxy . Proxy Server],Proxy User saptiv\jj4l15],Proxy Port o8080]
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:39 ### CCommservSurvey::initialize() - Private: New scripts are being downloaded, initiating collection and upload.
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:39 ### CvInternetGateway::setProxyFromCSDB() - Private: Using HTTP Proxy . Proxy Server],Proxy User aptiv\jj4l15],Proxy Port 8080]
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:39 ### downloadLicServerUpdateXml() - Private: Response returned from the REST API S<App_ClientGroupCLAUsages commCellId="1056179"><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="-1" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100002" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="-1" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100004" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="-1" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100005" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="-1" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100006" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100007" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100011" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100013" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100014" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100020" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100023" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100026" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100028" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100035" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100036" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100037" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100038" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100039" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100041" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100042" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100043" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100044" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100045" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100046" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100047" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100048" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100049" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100050" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="120" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100017" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="2970" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100021" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="2970" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100022" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="0" quotaLimitGB="122880" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100034" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="3" quotaLimitGB="35" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100024" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="4" quotaLimitGB="35" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100025" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="6" quotaLimitGB="2970" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100040" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="194" quotaLimitGB="2970" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100027" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="390" quotaLimitGB="680" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100032" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="602" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100018" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="797" quotaLimitGB="2970" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100033" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="1182" quotaLimitGB="2970" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100019" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="5926047" quotaLimitGB="-1" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100016" expiryTime="0" /><usageData clientGroupName="CommCell Inherited Capacity" quotaUsedGB="6113060" quotaLimitGB="0" updateTime="1660176070" quotaType="100015" expiryTime="0" /></App_ClientGroupCLAUsages>]
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:39 ### CCommservSurvey::downloadLicensingServerUpdateXml() - Private: Successfully downloaded License server update XML
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:41 ### CvInternetGateway::setProxyFromCSDB() - Private: Using HTTP Proxy . Proxy Server],Proxy User oaptiv\jj4l15],Proxy Port o8080]
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:41 ### CommservSurvey::downloadScript() - Private: Download started
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CommservSurvey::downloadScript() - Private: Download done
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CCommservSurvey::collectSurveyData() - Private: Failed to open SQL Connection for nCommServ] Error Code -1]
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CCommservSurvey::upload() - Private: There are no Collected Results available to upload, any existing XMLs will be uploaded
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CCommservSurvey::zipUploadFiles() - Private: No files to zip!
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CCommservSurvey::upload() - Private: Attempting non-proxy upload
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CommservSurvey::uploadfiles() - Private: Upload started
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CommservSurvey::uploadfiles() - Private: No files to upload in directory C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\CommservSurvey\privateupload of pattern CSS*_*.*
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CCommservSurvey::upload() - Private: Failed to upload xml, deleting files created before e30] days only. 
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CCommservSurvey::upload() - Private: CommServ Survey process completed without uploading the XML (no files found to upload)
11352 4120  08/17 09:52:42 ### CCommservSurvey::~CCommservSurvey() - Private: Commserve Survey execution complete



12308  12312  08/17 09:07:35 ERROR "CommServDatabase :: Failed to open DB 'CommServ', with error 28000] rMicrosoft]rSQL Server Native Client 11.0]rSQL Server]Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'. (18456) (SQLDriverConnect); 528000] DMicrosoft]cSQL Server Native Client 11.0]rSQL Server]Cannot open database "CommServ" requested by the login. The login failed. (4060); e28000] fMicrosoft]6SQL Server Native Client 11.0]rSQL Server]Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'. (18456); O28000] SMicrosoft]5SQL Server Native Client 11.0]rSQL Server]Cannot open database "CommServ" requested by the login. The login failed. (4060)"
12308  12312  08/17 09:07:35 ERROR "CloudServicesDatabase :: Failed to open DB '', with error tIM002] DMicrosoft] ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified (0) (SQLDriverConnect)"
12308  12312  08/17 09:07:37 ERROR "CustomerFeedbackDatabase :: Failed to open DB 'CVCloud', with error e28000] VMicrosoft]tSQL Server Native Client 11.0]LSQL Server]Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'. (18456) (SQLDriverConnect); (28000] (Microsoft]oSQL Server Native Client 11.0]LSQL Server]Cannot open database "CVCloud" requested by the login. The login failed. (4060); .28000] gMicrosoft] SQL Server Native Client 11.0]LSQL Server]Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'. (18456); A28000] YMicrosoft](SQL Server Native Client 11.0]LSQL Server]Cannot open database "CVCloud" requested by the login. The login failed. (4060)"
12308  12312  08/17 09:07:37 ERROR "Failed to connect to database CVCloud."


Anyone have idea about where I need to check the permission?


I validated and there is no issue with ODBC connection.



Hi Mani,


make sure that user has sysadmin privs - can verify this in sql studio

@Gseibak , Verfied that the user has full access.


Raised the case with commvault and resolved the issue.


The solution was, even though we updated the our own password in the ODBC during the process, still the backend communication happening using sqladmin_cv. There is no option to change the default user.


We have tried with default de-crypted password of sqladmin_cv in the ODBC and issue solved.
