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I have a storage policy for one shot backups to Tape.

The tape robot being used doesn’t have a lot of free tapes, and our other robot has a lot more free tapes.

So I am trying to make a secondary copy to transfer all that data to the other DC and to then promote the secondary copy to primary.

The transfer of data works, but the option to promote is greyed out.

When trying with the promotetoprimary.xml, it gives me this error:

A copy Dependent on a Global Secondary Copy Policy cannot be promoted to a Primary Copy.


I don’t understand what this means.
I also don’t know how to resolve this.



@Ben Van Doorsselaere  - The secondary copy has been created by using the global secondary copy policy hence it’s not allowing you to promote the copy as primary. It’s a limitation. 


Is this a snap policy? 

It’s not a snap.
I don’t have the option to select a nonglobal copy as source.

