Hey Henke,
We clone the snapshot and mount this to the proxy - the original snapshot should be left in the same condition as it was when created
For peace of mind you can check in the CVMA.log on the proxy being used for the integrity check and you should see the snap being cloned.
For example, in my lab I am using a NetApp and use a Windows 2016 server / SQL Server 2019 to perform integrity check of a SQL Server 2017 database from a Windows 2012 server:
508 116c 02/08 14:43:41 2467 CVSnapEngineNetApp::cvso_mapSnaps sFSSnapName [SP_2_2467_32_1612795403] sFSPath [/vol/Win2012SQL/Win2012SQL] sCloneName [SP_2_2467_32_1612795403_Win2012SQL_0]
508 116c 02/08 14:43:41 2467 CVSnapEngineNetApp::cvso_mapSnaps sCloneName [SP_2_2467_32_1612795403_Win2012SQL_0] sClonePath [/vol/Win2012SQL/SP_2_2467_32_1612795403_Win2012SQL_0]
508 116c 02/08 14:43:41 2467 CVSnapEngineNetApp::cvso_mapSnaps Cloning LUN to path:[/vol/Win2012SQL/SP_2_2467_32_1612795403_Win2012SQL_0]
508 116c 02/08 14:43:41 2467 Cloning LUN from snapshot. FileServer:[] Volume:[Win2012SQL] SnapShot:[SP_2_2467_32_1612795403] Path:[/vol/Win2012SQL/Win2012SQL] Clone:[/vol/Win2012SQL/SP_2_2467_32_1612795403_Win2012SQL_0]
508 116c 02/08 14:43:41 2467 Cloned LUN from snapshot. FileServer:[] Volume:[Win2012SQL] SnapShot:[SP_2_2467_32_1612795403] AlreadyExisted:[false] Path:[/vol/Win2012SQL/Win2012SQL] Clone:[/vol/Win2012SQL/SP_2_2467_32_1612795403_Win2012SQL_0]
508 116c 02/08 14:43:41 2467 * Relative source path[Win2012SQL], Relative destination path[SP_2_2467_32_1612795403_Win2012SQL_0]
508 116c 02/08 14:43:41 2467 CVSnapEngineNetApp::cvso_mapSnaps Successfully cloned the lun. Already existed:[false].