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we are replacing our backup storage and have chosen a Netapp E2860. Is there any experience here in the community with this system or a few tips that we could still consider in the configuration? LUN size, block size other features ? 

Kind Regards


Please have a look at the vendor pdf, old but still valid.

They may have some additional info in their Support site Knowledge base.

Hello @Ledoesp

thank you for the Document. The Document contains all the information that we need. 

Kind Regards


Hi Thomas, 

We use couple of E2860 as disk library. Works really well. 

60 drives pool from each shelf (3 spares reserved),  25TB luns and xfs on it : 

parted -a optimal -s --  /dev/mapper/lib0-p5-v1 mklabel gpt mkpart primary xfs 0% 100%
mkfs.xfs -f -d su=131072,sw=8 -i size=1024 /dev/mapper/lib0-p4-v1-part1


Hi @lborek

What would be the optimal lun size for NTFS ? We have Windows as operating system on the media agents. For our old Backupstorage the Fujitsu DX100 we are using 9 TB Luns

Did you already buy the box(es)? Are you going to connect it to multiple MAs? 

Hi @lborek

What would be the optimal lun size for NTFS ? We have Windows as operating system on the media agents. For our old Backupstorage the Fujitsu DX100 we are using 9 TB Luns

As far i remember i copied options from here. You can find DDP pool specific configuration explained.  

Pretty sure it would work on default settings too. 

