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We get new license for Metallic cloud to extend our librarie, last week added the new license via webinterface without probleem. But the extra 100TB i dont see on cloud librarie yet. But if i run license summary report then i can see that extra 100TB added to the librarie.





I dont know if you can see the screenshot. 

This sounds like a possible bug. 

Ok i wil make a case at commvault. 

@Onno van den Berg  I create 221221-200 case at commvault, i see that the license eveluation and not permanent. 

Now the issue that cloud storage full is in our case its not possible. So something wrong with the license we got.

@Onno van den Berg Yestoday i slove the issue.


Issue was that we use T1 license for Metalic cloud and last month we added  temprory 1TB T2 License for Azure cloud backup. The T2 license expire at bein january. We extended T1 with 100 TB so in totaal to 400TB, But commvault counted T2 License with 1 TB to together with T1 license 400TB. so together you getting 400,08TB and when we tryed to renew license we got error that we have more then 400TB in use so we cant add new license. 


I solved the issue by deleting temprory azure cloud library and then probably temprory license released aswel. 


I dont is that a bug in commvault or what. But the issue solved by now. 

Good to hear that is was fixed! 
