
O365 Mailbox backup configuration from CommCell Console

  • 29 September 2021
  • 17 replies

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I’m trying to configure the O365 mailbox backup, which using Azure AD. From BOL (FR20), I understands that the configuration only from Command Center. But there is also configuration from CommCell console below the topic. The reason why I want to configure through Console is that I want to use existing storage policy. If I configure through Command Center, I need to create a plan, which also require its own ddb. I don’t have any disk for new ddb, hence I want to use existing SP with ddb.

So can I follow the console configuration (which got lot more steps), or I can only configure through CommandCenter?




Best answer by JamesA 30 September 2021, 09:31

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17 replies

Userlevel 2
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Hi Fauzi,

From FR20 the option is no longer available to create Exchange Online (Through Azure Active Directory). This configuration now has to be done using Command Center only. 

I can see the confusion as books online still looks to be stating this incorrectly.

I will get this documentation updated, apologies for the confusion.



Userlevel 1
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Hi James,

Thanks for the clarification.

When I want to create Plan, I don’t see Exchange Mailbox Plan. I can only see server backup plan.

Is there additional steps need to do before creating the plan?



Userlevel 2
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Hi Fauzi,

Once you have logged into Command Center, type “Navigation” into the search box and click it like so:

Now Expand the “Protect” then “Applications” submenus and ensure that Office 365 and Exchange are enabled like so:

Once enabled, hit the Save at top right:

Then logout of Command Center and login again. 

Let me know if this helps. 

Userlevel 1
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Hi James,

I did as per your instruction, but still I cannot see the plan.



Userlevel 2
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The “Exchange Plan” has information in it such as what items to backup, retention etc. Where as the “Server Plan” will be used to denote what storage is to be used. 

The Exchange client will have both Server Plan and Exchange Plan assigned to it. 

For example, when creating the client you have to pick a “Server Plan” to use for storage:


Then once the client is created, you create/assign “Exchange Plan” / “Office 365 Plan” to the users:


The first thing you need to do to create the client is create your “Server Plan”

Once the client is created, you can then manage your “Exchange” / “Office 365” plans

Userlevel 1
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Ok. Thanks a lot. The BOL just mention create plan with exchange mailbox plan. So I just create the plan and attached first to the O365 client. The Exchange plan will assign later once I have the O365 client.



Userlevel 1
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Hi James,

For the nodes and index server, can I used existing media agent and install O365 package and index package? And the webserver use commserve as webserver since its already installed with it?




Userlevel 2
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Yes you can @Fauzi SDS . But.. please make sure you check the hardware requirements to ensure you have enough CPU, RAM and Disk space for all those roles on 1 server.

Userlevel 1
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Ok. Thanks James.

Badge +2

To be honest, good luck trying to get O365 backups configured successfully using the outdated and totally misleading and confusing documentation.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @goomba , I know I have put in Modification requests for the O365 docs that were unclear.  Can you share the issues you have with the current version?  I can get that over to our documentation team and cleared up (if it isn’t already on their list).


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The Exchange plan is for archiving purposes is it? If I didn’t use archiving only backup should I create the Exchange plan?


*updated - I cannot add mailbox without Exchange plan, so I just create Exchange plan with archiving disable and retention set to infinite.



Userlevel 7
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That works!  Let me know if you have more questions.

Userlevel 1
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I do have another question. The schedule for the o365 is incremental forever is it? If I want to add synthetic full, since I need to have monthly full to be taken offsite, how can I do that? I cannot find on the Server Plan how to add synthetic full, only full is available.

Userlevel 7
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It’s not supported, so the short answer is you just don’t :nerd:

Have you considered using cool Cloud Storage as an off site option?

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At the moment we don’t have cloud storage. Only O365 at azure. We still under planning/discussion for Cloud.

After some reading I found that the synthetic full is automatic schedule. I also can see at the java console (commcell console) the schedule automatically run every 7 days.

Can I changed this to run on specific day & time? The reason is I want to copy last full of the month for monthly full. I want it to run every weekend on Sat.



Userlevel 7
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Sure thing.  You can change it as needed, though remember you can also run it every 7 days and just copy that last Full for the month.

However, that’s not going to work for the Exchange Online subclients since Synth Fulls are not supported.  Not sure if it will flat out not let, or just fail the job, however.
