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We are thinking about implementing a Resource Pool for O365 in a MSP environment for ease of administration. There is not much details about this in the docs so I’m trying to reach out here to see if there is anyone with the correct knowledge. A few questions...

  • Are there any recommendations about how to distribute Applications? Use one O365 Resource Pool or use separate Resource Pools for each App - Exchange, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams?
  • Are there any sizing considerations on how much data or how many users can be managed by one single Resource Pool? How many Access Nodes and how many Index Nodes can we expand the Pool with as we grow?
  • Is it possible to change current setup for our tenants from dedicated resources (i.e. their own AccessNodes and Index) to a Resource Pool? And if needed, is it possible to move a tenant from a Resource Pool to dedicated resources?  I would expect that a re-index will be needed in both cases?

Regards, Patrik

Hello @Patrik 

The resource pool it to assist with sharing of resources like access nodes/index servers. We have seen many ISPs setup onces for specific functions, like one just for Sharepoint.

There are no restrictions on distributing applications. it depends on needs. Also for number of users and first question it depends on how much total data/users, etc to plan on sizing. To my knowledge there is no limit on expanding.

You would still map the requirements based on the guidelines in BOL


For you third question you are correct the issue with doing that is index server. It would have to playback all the action logs into the new index server this would limit browse and restore until its complete.

I truly hope it is going to be expanded soon to add support for object storage! 
