Hi All,
The below error is logged in during the Archive Log backup.
Set pending cause [Subclient threshold condition is not met. The total available instance streams ([0]) for Backup is less than [log] threshold value ([1]).]
The below is logged in the log file ClOraAgent.log.
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 ClOraAgent::GetBackupUserRole() - Unable to connect as sysdba output = [
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Oct 30 06:25:35 2023
Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
SQL> ]
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 ClOraAgent::GetBackupUserRole() - alternating to sysbackup
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 ::GetNlsLang() - fetching registry key NLS_LANG
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 ::GetNlsLang() - registry key NLS_LANG not set therefore setting NLS_LANG to American_America.US7ASCII
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 OraChildProcess::SetPostForkParam() - Parent path = /u01/app/oracle/product/
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 OraChildProcess::SetPostForkParam() - Parent oraUser = oracle
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 OraChildProcess::InitializeUnix() - Parent: child process pid= 277553
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 OraChildProcess::Wait() - Child OK
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 OraChildProcess::Wait() - Child OK
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 ClOraAgent::GetBackupUserRole() - Successfully Connecting to Oracle as sysbackup
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:36 12141654 OraAgentBase20::BrowseInit(5752) - Initialize0(oraUser[oracle] oraHome=[/u01/app/oracle/product/] oraSID=[cloprd011])
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:49 12141654 RacBrowser::RecvBrowseResponse() - browse response...
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:54 12141654 RecvBrowseResponse() - errMsg=[Error from Browse:p U.]
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:54 12141654 RecvBrowseResponse() - IsSetJPR = [FALSE]
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:54 12141654 RecvBrowseResponse() - IsAlreadySent = [FALSE]
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:54 12141654 RecvBrowseResponse() - Error with Stack[0xECCC065B:{RacBrowser::RecvBrowseResponse(945)/ErrNo.1627.(Unknown error 1627)-Error from Browse:p U.}]
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:54 12141654 RacBrowser::BrowseInstances() - error getting RAC instance status:0xECCC065B:{RacBrowser::RecvBrowseResponse(945)/ErrNo.1627.(Unknown error 1627)-Error from Browse:p U.}
277451 43bcb 10/30 06:25:54 12141654 RacBrowser::BrowseInstances() - this RAC instance is not reachable at this time
The user configured in the connection string is attached to the “SYSBACKUP” role.
Why would an attempt be made to use SYSDBA if the user does not have that permission?
Why would the instance be unreachable if it was able to connect with the user and SYSBACKUP role?
After investigation, it turns out that the Commvault user is locked on the instance/db. As soon as the user is unlocked then the backup completes successfully. Why would this user be getting locked? What causes failed logins? Could it be because it attempts to use SYSDBA role first?