Hello Commvault Community,
I want to ask you and ask for help on overwriting the Oracle database.
A daily schedule is created to overwrite the Oracle databases from "abc.PROD." to "abc.TEST".
The process is correct, but after the operation is completed, the overwritten database often remains in the "STARTED" instead of "OPEN" mode. We can raise it to the "OPEN" state and the situation is ok. Repeating the overwrite operation is also always correct and the database is available.
Are we able to somehow change the configuration so that the database is always in the OPEN state, and not STARTED, after the overwriting task is completed? Tasks end with the status "Completed with errors".
Error Code: [19: 1336] Description: Oracle Restore [Failed to execute the create controlfile script. Please run this script [shutdown immediate; startup nomount; @ '/ opt / commvault / Base / Temp // CreateControlFileScript_1645579842.sql'; exit; ] manually again from sqlplus, open the database with resetlogs and change the id using nid.] Source: xyz, Process: ClOraAgent