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Hi Guys,


I need your help.


Here’s the scenario.


The Customer needs to mount a disk to a client before Scan phase, then backup needs to be performed and after job’s completed disk needs to be unmounted.


They decide to set Pre Scan and Post Backup Scripts with the following configuration:


With Full backups everything works fine. However, if Inremental backup runs and there was no changes since last backup, Backup phase will not run. As a result PostBackup process will not run and disk is still kept as mounted to the client.


I suggested to client to change settings as follows:

So, we’ve got 2 sets of script:

  • PreScan process - to mount a drive / disk
  • PostScan process - to unmount a drive / disk
  • PreBackup process - to mount a drive / disk again
  • PostBackup process - to unmount a drive / disk

However, the Customer is not very happy with the solution I provided.

Do you know any different way to mount a disk to the client and unmount it after job’s completed, even if backup job ends on Scan phase?




@Kamil W , I personally think your solution is darn clever!

To confirm I understand the challenge, the Incremental starts, sees that no file has changed, and therefore ends (before it can bother with the mounted drive content)?

If so, let me know and ?I’ll see if there’s an alternate solution.  You can always script some file creation of random bits, but that’s inelegant.  There might be a reg key or some setting (though I want to be sure I understand your challenge before I check :nerd: )

@Mike Struening Exactly!


When Incremental Backup sees that nothing has changed since the last backup, it finishes the job after the scanning phase. Based on the documentation below, PostBackup, the process is not performed because the backup phase has not been performed. Therefore, the script that causes the unmounting of the disk is not executed and the disk remains mounted until the admin unmounts it manually.

Note: You cannot run pre-processes and post-processes for backup jobs that are complete after the scan phase. For example, if subclient content was not added or did not change since the last incremental or differential backup, the backup and archive index phases are not performed, so the backup job is complete after the scan phase.

It would be great if there is any reg key or some setting that could be an alternative solution. If not, the Customer will stay with the solution I provided.




You can do an Alert driven Post Process instead.

  1. Create an Alert for the Client
  2. Step 3 of alert window “Threshold and Notification Criteria selection” pick “Job Succeded”.
  3. Step 4 “Notification Type(s) Selection”   > Run Command


Or you can workflow the whole process and schedule the workflow. For a plan b option. 

Many thanks, guys!

I’ll present all solutions to the client. Let them choose the one that suits them best.



Come back and let us know what they decided on.  Curious as to their feedback and decision!

Hey @Kamil W , any selection made by the customer?


Hi guys,


Sorry for my late reply. I’ve been waiting for the feedback for two weeks. The Customer still hasn’t made a choise. They just told me, that are gonna choose one of presented solusions.


I personally think that all of them are good, but the last decision is on the Customer’s side :)


Just to pick some answer as the best one, I’ll choose @pjv ‘s solution, only because I didn’t know about ‘Run Command’ feature for alerts before. @Mike Struening I hope you’re OK with that :)




Your choice, @Kamil W :joy: Definitely a good pick!
