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Hi all


Could someone from the Commvault team be able to advise if python 3 is actively being used on commserve ? assumptions we are running on V11FR20 onward.


This is in context of patching of python 3 binaries/compiler in light of security vuln.


If Python 3 were being used by commserve code base, what would be  the proper procedures for patching of python 3 on a commserve?




Hi Mario, 

Python 3 will be actively being used if you are using your commserve as a metrics server. Its part of the upload of data process for the for the data into the metric database. 

In regards to this Python vulnerability, you can safely manually upgrade Python to the latest supported version of 3.9.5 which should correct the detected vulnerability.


You can download the latest version of Python 3 (3.8.9 or 3.9.5) here:

Please follow these steps for the cleanup of previous version of python and update to python 3.8.9.

1. In OS control panel make sure there are no other version of python other than 3.8.1 is installed

2. Uninstall python launcher from control panel

3. Refer registry and confirm only python 3.8 is installed HKLM\Software\Python\PythonCore.

4. In path ‘C:\Program Files’ if folder python36 still exist you can delete them.

5. Stop Commvault services, make sure no python is running at OS level (refer from task manager)

6. Download 64 bit installer, run as administrator and choose upgrade in install screen

7. If you don’t get upgrade option choose customize

8. Uncheck ‘Documentation’, ‘tcl\tk and IDLE’, ‘’Python test suite’ and ‘py launcher’

9. In path choose ‘C:\Program Files\Python38’

Thanks Blaine for the detail instructions and details utilisation of python on commserve.


Could you please confirming step 9. is to over-write the existing folder yeah? we’re not creating a new folder for 3.9 and also in registry leave 3.8 alone?



Hi Mario, 

This is an upgrade of the existing location cleaning up other previous versions which are still about.

@Blaine Williams ,

Not sure if you can still provide feedback on the below.  I tried to note my findings in your steps provided. Not to be ignorant, but can’t we just uninstall all versions (if multiple) and then install 39?


Please follow these steps for the cleanup of previous version of python and update to python 3.8.9.

1. In OS control panel make sure there are no other version of python other than 3.8.1 is installed

I had 3.6, and 3.8.  Do I uninstall 3.6 and leave 3.8?

2. Uninstall python launcher from control panel

3. Refer registry and confirm only python 3.8 is installed HKLM\Software\Python\PythonCore.

I had 3.6, and 3.8 listed

4. In path ‘C:\Program Files’ if folder python36 still exist you can delete them.

Delete these folders without uninstalling?

5. Stop Commvault services, make sure no python is running at OS level (refer from task manager)

6. Download 64 bit installer, run as administrator and choose upgrade in install screen

7. If you don’t get upgrade option choose customize

8. Uncheck ‘Documentation’, ‘tcl\tk and IDLE’, ‘’Python test suite’ and ‘py launcher’

9. In path choose ‘C:\Program Files\Python38’

Even after selecting customize and following steps 8. and 9. it proceeded to install 3.9, in the 3.8 folder and in add and remove programs, 3.8 remains, along with 3.9


Thanks in Advance!

Sorry Mario NTT that last post was for @TapeChanger 



Moved second question to its own thread:

