Hey @Allan0105
Commvault does not use the VM GUID as located in the VMX file as it is not guaranteed to be unique. We use the UUID provided by vCenter (known as instanceUUID as well), and that is how VMs are matched and tracked as they move between hosts, get renamed etc.
Where you don’t see a match, make sure its not the VM GUID you are looking at.
In the case of a windows VM, here is some powershell code to show the instance UUID:
([guid]((Get-WmiObject win32_bios).SerialNumber -replace "[\s-]","").Substring(6)).ToString()
When restoring, if the UUID already exists as reported by vCenter then a new one will be assigned. This is common when you restore a copy of a VM.
There hasn't really be any issues relating to UUID or GUIDs since the V9 days - things are pretty solid here so I would not expect anything to go wrong. There is code that checks for duplicated, mismatches etc.