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Hey @Mario NTT 

We have the same similar questions as you.   We are wanting to upgrade the (commserve 11.24.x) python 3.9.2 to 3.9.5 as we have a vulnerability with 3.9.2version.   We are wondering if we should just totally uninstall 3.9.2 before the 3.9.5 install as I dont believe a python install will do an upgrade but just an install.




Hi @bc1410 

Python 3.9.x do update the old version.. you should get the Upgrade Now Option right after executing the installer



After upgrading you should only get one version in Add/Remove Program


@TapeChanger  I thing your issue is because 3.8 and 3.9 are on different branches and not upgradeable, installing 3.9 wont delete 3.8 

If you on FR24 or later version 3.9.x  will work just fine, you should be good with just uninstalling the 3.8.x version 





Thanks @Juan Rosas   - I will give it a try now - regarding the upgrade

Thanks @Juan Rosas -  We were successful in getting python upgraded as you stated.