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Pretty simple one.

I deleted an ida from a client, the binaries are still there so I just need to readd the Ida.


How do I do thing?

Hi @chrisknows ,

The iDA is greyed out?


If so, you just need to reconfigure:



And the same for the Client if needed.

Best Regards,


No, I was dumb enough to delete the deconfigured Ida, there is a way to readd it, but of course I can’t find it now.

Your probably thinking about this procedure:

Or this one if you want to use command line:

But this is for installations in decoupled mode, not sure if installations which have registered to a CommCell already can be re-added as well with this method.

Hi @chrisknows 


If you have deleted the iDA, then you need to reinstall it by using “Add Software” and selecting “File system” & “File system core” packages.




It’s more fundamental than that, I managed to work around it but I appreciate all the responses.

I am going to make @Sebastien Merluzzi answer as correct simply because it was the first.
