Hello Guys,
The customer have one issue provoked by one MA(client) deletion.
In the past I had one Media Agent (Hypervisor) and a Storage Policy for Yearly backups only for this MA.
I deleted the Media Agent(client) but I keep the Storage Policy, I assumed if I delete the MA(client) I can always recover the original backups done by this PTOPOSRV010HYP into another server.
Now when I try to browse the backups jobs it gives me the following message:

It looks like the Commvault lost the reference between the original MA(client) and those backups. It is possible to recovery this??
I tried and installed again the MA into the same server(I still have the physical server with same host name), but it looks like the Commvault cannot associate the jobs.
I will have more situations like this, we discontinued old physical servers(MA) and purchase new. The approach I need to do for these MA(to be discontinued) will be “Retire the client” at the commcell?

This will remove the license and keep the Client until we have jobs available to be restored done by this MA?
Thank you!