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Hi Folks,


I have created a new Subclient policy for taking only office files backup.

but when i associated this to my clients.


They now have two policies one is default and other is new which i created and this created a failed backup job for the default policy.

 I am not able to remove that default from policy , how can i resolve this?


I assume you are using Plans within the Command Center?
If so please check if the Plan associated to the client has the proper Override Restrictions:

If you are not using plans then you might be able to disassociate the client from the default subclient policy by opening the properties of the default subclient policy, select Association tab and uncheck the client.

Another place to check is the BackupSet for this client, in the properties check for a Subclient Policy selection on the General Tab.

Another place to check is the Subclient for this client, in the properties check for a Subclient Policy selection on the General Tab.

I am using java console.

See below snapshot i have two policies in subclient policy one is defautl and other is which i created.

So , when I apply this Policy , both the policies get applied .

but I disabled default one.


Now, the issue is that I have created schedule Policy and applied to group instead of Individual subclient.

Now, this caused backup of both sub client to run and the default one fails.

Due to ease of management issues i have to assign schedule policy to group only


Ah ok so the issue at hand is that the scheduled policy automatically starts the backup for the default subclient as well. This is by default as there is a client group level selection resulting in all backupsets and subclients to be selected.

What is the error returned on the failed job for default subclients?
Is this due to the disabled subclient policy or does it try to backup whilst the data management activity is disabled for this subclient?

It says failed to start as another backup job is running for same client.



Is there a previous backup for the subclient that is still running or is pending?


as you can see in snapshot for each backup at the same time another job runs which fails.


@singhalyogi , following up on this one.  Were you able to get this resolved on your end?

Let us know if this is still an issue!

@singhalyogi , check the schedule associated to the default subclient.  You likely have a schedule assigned to the client itself which is propagating down.

You can also always just disable backup activity on the default subclient if it shouldn’t run.
