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Hello All,

We are planning to move the DDB and Index cache to new cloud media agent from old cloud media agent and then we would like to rename the new media agent with the name of old media agent name.

In this scenario after the DDB and index migration I should power off the old cloud media agent and reinstall the new media agent with the old cloud media agent name, this is what i feel would be the best method.

or this can be done differently, Any suggestions?



Hi @Ananth 

Based on your description I assume you will be manually copying the DDB and Index cache. In that case yes this would be the way, with the addition that the services of the old MA should be stopped before copying the data and installing the new MA with CV software.

Depending on the client naming convention you will have a different hostname/VM name then the client name though. If you use generalized client names then this is not applicable.

Or you could always rename the VM and hostname after you powered down and renamed/deleted the old VM

Hello @Jos Meijer ,

Thanks for the response.

We will uninstall the Commvault and power off the old media agent and then new media agent will be reinstalled with same hostname and client name, so this should work without any issues rite?

Also before even we start this process we will share the cloud library with new media agent, then we will do the DDB move, Copy the index from old MA to new MA and then old MA will be uninstalled and powered off. Again the new MA will uninstalled and reinstalled with old MA client name and hostname. Will this work  fine?



O wait, a bit confused here.

To double check, are you telling me that you will be:


Installing new ma with new hostname/ip

Installing new ma with CV software under new hostname

Moving library, DDB and Index cache

Power down old MA

Uninstall new MA regarding CV software

Rename new MA hostname

Installing new MA with CV software using old MA info


Please confirm if this is the procedure you have in mind.

Hello @Jos Meijer 

Yes, I would like to know whether that will work or it’s not possible.

Scenario is to maintain the same client name and hostname on new media agent.



Yes it is possible, but if I may suggest why not skip some steps:


Install new MA with new hostname /ip

Stop CV services on old MA

Provide access to library, move DDB and Index cache

Power down old MA

Rename new MA with old MA hostname / ip

Installing new MA with CV software using old MA info


Can save you some time/changes

Hello @Jos Meijer ,

Exactly that is what i am planning to do.

If i do that i mean after reinstalling the new MA with old MA info my DDB should work fine rite, there should not be any issues post reinstalling. Reason for my doubt is i will move the DDB and index prior to reinstalling the new MA (which will have different IP and hostname) with old MA info.



As the movement of the DDB and Index cache is based on a manual copy activity, no media agent config within the Commserve DB is affected and thus will work fine as long as you use the same file system paths as used on the old MA.

Hello @Jos Meijer ,

What if i move the DDB from console instead of manual copy, i hope that should work as well rite?


