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Reports and Permissions Required

  • June 25, 2021
  • 1 reply


Sorry another post about permissions. 

Have users with Permissions of “View” and “Report Management” at the Comcell level however not all reports (default Commvault ones) are available to see.

For example the Health Report. Documentation ( says need Report Management permissions but this doesn’t seem to be the case?

Another example Disk Library Utilization Report ( Have the permissions it’s asking for but doesn’t show for the user.

Any help on whether I’m interpreting the documentation wrong or if this is incorrect documentation would be helpful. 

Thanks for responses in advance. 

Best answer by Stuart Painter

Hi @Tom Evans 

Report permissions need to be considered as a 2-layer approach.

Firstly a user needs permissions to run a report, which you have already covered.

Secondly, since the reports are run on Commcell entities, like clients, MAs, libraries or even Commcell wide features like License Summary Report, the user also needs the required permissions on the entities concerned.

For Health Report, since this has Commcell wide scope for the entire environment, any user needing to run this report will need permissions on the the entities concerned, so MAs, libraries, all clients, etc.

For Disk Library Utilization report, a user running the report will need permissions to view the MAs and Disk Libraries concerned.

So, we wouldn’t necessarily expect a limited user to be able to run reports for these entities in the Commcell, it would be an admin user level action.

Potentially View All permissions at Commcell level would enable a user to run reports on these entities and view all aspects, without having permissions to make any changes.



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Hi @Tom Evans 

Report permissions need to be considered as a 2-layer approach.

Firstly a user needs permissions to run a report, which you have already covered.

Secondly, since the reports are run on Commcell entities, like clients, MAs, libraries or even Commcell wide features like License Summary Report, the user also needs the required permissions on the entities concerned.

For Health Report, since this has Commcell wide scope for the entire environment, any user needing to run this report will need permissions on the the entities concerned, so MAs, libraries, all clients, etc.

For Disk Library Utilization report, a user running the report will need permissions to view the MAs and Disk Libraries concerned.

So, we wouldn’t necessarily expect a limited user to be able to run reports for these entities in the Commcell, it would be an admin user level action.

Potentially View All permissions at Commcell level would enable a user to run reports on these entities and view all aspects, without having permissions to make any changes.




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