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Hi All,

We have as case where we want to restoring an Entire Exchange Online Mailbox for the user who has left the company and domain account was deleted.


What is the best practise from Commvault to recover the Mailbox.






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@Scott Reynolds thanks for the update i have checked the link you have mentioned.

My query is if we want to restore a Mailbox for the user who has left company and domain account was deleted.

The deleted user Mailbox will be showed as greayed out in Commvault.

Can we directly restore the Entire Exchange Online Mailbox to Its Original Location.


User Doamin Account need to be recovered/recreated with Exchange liscense and then restrore the Mailbox on it.


Please suggest.

@Rahul18081 For o365 you would have to recreate the user in AD. Once complete you can leverage the restore out of palce and point it to that newly created account. Since the GUIDs are different it will be interpreted like a different mailbox.
