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Hello All,

I am using restore validate workflow. IT worsk fine on standalone nodes. When I try is on MS SQL Always on it fails. Does COmmvault support it on MS SQL AG?



Microsoft SQL doesn’t allow for the direct restore of databases into an availability group. The database must be dropped form the AG first, restored into the individual instance, and then manually rejoined to the AG back after. 

Our workflow won’t offer any options with an AG as a target, as it’s not a possible task based on the limitation of the AG. A restore asking for the AG as a target won’t list one either, etc. 

@ETO What @DGarra  said above plus would add the following

The workflow is running a verify only restore operation and will function similar to a restore with the same option set.


You can leverage the workflow and point it to a replica instance just not the AG client itself.

Thanks for answer guys. I know verfy from the subclinet opitons. BUt I want to use worfkflow option for several sql db’s. Because we are doing many restore tests every months. Worfkflow does it esiler. BUt as I understand wordkflow does not support for AG clients, becasue of limitations am I correct?


That’s correct. 

When saying that you’re testing restores however, keep in mind, that you can’t restore into an AG, so testing/validating the same process isn’t going to yield results either way. 

