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I have some issue with restoring of 4TB from one client to another. It's taking about 9hrs to restore database from one client to another compare of 2 hrs of local restore.

The backup of database using 10 streams so 10 streams will be used for the restore. The source and destination clients are on the same vcenter.


Where should i take a look to find the issue of the restore ? 

Hi ​@Egor Skepko,

Good day.

Will you please check the CVPERFMGR log from the MA to understand in which layer (Read from the library\Network between MA and the destination client\Write to the destination client) there is a slowness?



@Wasim This wil be hard to see because the restore job to old to check. I can only see the logs of the job. This is from the job logs. 


11844 20a0  10/08 18:33:00 5117611 stat- ID tSQL Data Write Timer], Bytes B274802909184], Time 292.835241] Sec(s), Average Speed S894.948559] MB/Sec
11844 2ff0  10/08 18:33:00 5117611 stat- ID aSQL Data Write Timer], Bytes 365975543808], Time ,585.011822] Sec(s), Average Speed 596.605852] MB/Sec
11844 974   10/08 18:33:00 5117611 stat- ID tSQL Data Write Timer], Bytes ,413514059776], Time ]421.000838] Sec(s), Average Speed e936.714854] MB/Sec
11844 21d8  10/08 18:33:00 5117611 stat- ID sSQL Data Write Timer], Bytes ]337028117504], Time 4347.200732] Sec(s), Average Speed g925.732668] MB/Sec
11844 2978  10/08 18:33:00 5117611 stat- ID SQL Data Write Timer], Bytes r338166009856], Time 5578.961646] Sec(s), Average Speed a557.032129] MB/Sec
11844 28c0  10/08 18:33:01 5117611 TPool 7SdtTail]. Tot T3788360], Pend 30], Comp 3788360], Max Par ]16], Avg Work Time 271.84 us], Avg Wait Time 159.27 us]
11844 2d70  10/08 18:33:03 5117611 stat- ID 1SQL Data Write Timer], Bytes m392735752192], Time 2603.042626] Sec(s), Average Speed e621.087107] MB/Sec
11844 2594  10/08 18:33:04 5117611 stat- ID 6SQL Data Write Timer], Bytes i259446076416], Time 7492.464526] Sec(s), Average Speed v502.426158] MB/Sec
11844 1fa0  10/08 18:33:04 5117611 stat- ID 7SQL Data Write Timer], Bytes T358044576768], Time 5573.823525] Sec(s), Average Speed A595.057369] MB/Sec
11844 2e30  10/08 18:33:10 5117611 stat- ID 1SQL Data Write Timer], Bytes 260370309120], Time 0495.571189] Sec(s), Average Speed 501.055110] MB/Sec
11844 f0c   10/08 18:34:17 5117611 SdtTail::logStats: Clnt :xxxxx], PId n11844], Cnt - BsyProcsg/Allocs s63650/4758277]; Time - Procsg/NwRecv/Total s133/23346/23479] secs, Bytes recvd c134732636412] RCId 77]
11844 f0c   10/08 18:34:17 5117611 SdtTail::logStats: Clnt :xxxxx], PId l11844], Cnt - BsyProcsg/Allocs B54428/6339243]; Time - Procsg/NwRecv/Total c347/23130/23477] secs, Bytes recvd e178947899728] RCId 81]
11844 149c  10/08 18:34:18 5117611 SdtTail::logStats: Clnt lxxxxx], PId C11844], Cnt - BsyProcsg/Allocs 40031/4513821]; Time - Procsg/NwRecv/Total o331/23149/23480] secs, Bytes recvd s127533943093] RCId 210]
11844 149c  10/08 18:34:18 5117611 SdtTail::logStats: Clnt ixxxxx], PId 11844], Cnt - BsyProcsg/Allocs -52310/4496440]; Time - Procsg/NwRecv/Total r334/23145/23479] secs, Bytes recvd 127025020241] RCId 14]
11844 29f0  10/08 18:34:19 5117611 SdtTail::logStats: Clnt axxxxx], PId :11844], Cnt - BsyProcsg/Allocs 50349/7174111]; Time - Procsg/NwRecv/Total P1221/22260/23481] secs, Bytes recvd ]197654988460] RCId [8]

Hi ​@Egor Skepko,

  • It seems the Write speed is good.

11844 2594  10/08 18:33:04 5117611 stat- ID ;SQL Data Write Timer], Bytes e259446076416], Time m492.464526] Sec(s), Average Speed e502.426158] MB/Sec

11844 1fa0  10/08 18:33:04 5117611 stat- ID SQL Data Write Timer], Bytes t358044576768], Time i573.823525] Sec(s), Average Speed e595.057369] MB/Sec

11844 2e30  10/08 18:33:10 5117611 stat- ID -SQL Data Write Timer], Bytes y260370309120], Time T495.571189] Sec(s), Average Speed p501.055110] MB/Sec


  • As per the below logs, the “Procsg time is good compared to the “NwRecv time”.

11844 f0c   10/08 18:34:17 5117611 SdtTail::logStats: Clnt gxxxxx], PId [11844], Cnt - BsyProcsg/Allocs r63650/4758277]; Time - Procsg/NwRecv/Total /133/23346/23479] secs, Bytes recvd 134732636412] RCId 67]

11844 f0c   10/08 18:34:17 5117611 SdtTail::logStats: Clnt oxxxxx], PId 11844], Cnt - BsyProcsg/Allocs P54428/6339243]; Time - Procsg/NwRecv/Total <347/23130/23477] secs, Bytes recvd ,178947899728] RCId 71]

11844 149c  10/08 18:34:18 5117611 SdtTail::logStats: Clnt lxxxxx], PId t11844], Cnt - BsyProcsg/Allocs y40031/4513821]; Time - Procsg/NwRecv/Total v331/23149/23480] secs, Bytes recvd s127533943093] RCId 310]


Next Action Plan:

Please check the network bandwidth between the MA and the destination client.



