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Hey, we've got HyperScale X with 9 nodes running RHEL 7.9.

We recently added another node running Rocky Linux 8.9, and they're all on version 11.32.54.

Each node successfully rebalanced.

Backup and restore operations work fine on the new Rocky Linux node.


When I ran the command /usr/local/hedvig/scripts/showmembers.exp on the existing redhat node, I noticed that all the Red Hat Linux nodes have two entries for ports 7000 and 7010, but the Rocky Linux node only has one entry and is missing port 7000.


when run command /usr/local/hedvig/scripts/showmembers.exp on the New rocky linux node, it give an error “operation time out”

netstat show there is no service running on port 7000

what port 7000 is used for and how to enable it on the Rocky Linux node.




Hi @DanC 

Any added node will not have port 7000 which is used by hedvigpages service. This will be only on the nodes configured initially.


thanks @R Anwar 

if this port only used during the initial setup, and  newly added nodes not use this service, What exactly is HedvigPages used for?

I found an article stating that if the HedvigPages service goes down, the platform generates alerts to notify the Commcell administrator. The health of CVFS services is monitored on CVFS versions 4.7.7 or higher.
though in our case, the port 7000 not down rather not running at all


Hi @DanC 

Please allow me to clarify @R Anwar response.

The HedvigPages is the metadata service used in a cluster. 

This service is initialized and created on the nodes that were used to create the initial cluster.

Therefore, if 6 nodes were used to create the cluster then only those nodes will have the service running and active.

All new nodes added after will not have the metadata service, they will re-use the existing hedvigPages on the neighbouring nodes.

Hope this helps.
