Heyy all,
i had to do an corss db restore. i started with the system DB.
SAP HANA Error [2022-05-05T12:32:19+02:00 P0022113 18093c6fe09 ERROR RECOVERY RECOVER DATA finished with error: [449] recovery strategy could not be determined, [110083] Catalog backup not found using Backint(path=/usr/sap/Destination/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB), [110510] Backint cannot find file '/usr/sap/source/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0', [110514] Backint terminated successfully without connect, [110088] Error reading backup from 'BACKINT' '/usr/sap/destination/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0', [110203] Not all data could be written: Expected 4096 but transferred 0, [110510] Backint cannot find file '/usr/sap/source/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0' ].
Source: AGI01V2T078, Process: ClHanaAgent
In the hana aget log i found:
Log_Files/ClHanaAgent.log:27604 6bd4 05/05 14:08:25 6500590 ClHanaAgent::ExecuteRestore() - hanaRecoverCmd=[/usr/sap/HHS/HDB42/HDBSettings.sh recoverSys.py --comma nd="RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL TIMESTAMP '2022-06-04 12:08:25' CLEAR LOG USING SOURCE 'SYSTEMDB@source' USING BACKUP_ID 1651690805067 CHECK ACCESS USING BACKINT " --wait --timeout=600 >> /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/6500590/restore.out 2>&1] Log_Files/ClHanaAgent.log:27604 6bd4 05/05 14:08:44 6500590 ClHanaAgent::ExecuteRestore() - 2022-05-05T14:08:43+02:00 P0028173 180941f4084 ERROR RECOVERY R ECOVER DATA finished with error: [449] recovery strategy could not be determined, [110083] Catalog backup not found using Backint(path=/usr/sap/destination/SYS/global/hdb/ backint/SYSTEMDB), [110510] Backint cannot find file '/usr/sap/source/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0', [110514] Backint terminated successfully wi thout connect, [110088] Error reading backup from 'BACKINT' '/usr/sap/destination/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0', [110203] Not all data could be writt en: Expected 4096 but transferred 0, [110510] Backint cannot find file '/usr/sap/source/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0' Log_Files/backint_hana.log:22198 56b6 05/05 12:32:15 ### BackintHANA::EnableLogBackupToDisk(799) - Failed to fetch nLOGBACKUPTODISK_HHP_SYSTEMDB value from registr
So from my understanding the connection to the catalog should work because he find the right backip ID ( 1651690805067 ) we checked in hana studio from source client backup and thats correct it is the latest id.
I tried than the restore of system db with backup id: 1651690805067
SAP HANA Error [2022-05-05T15:10:59+02:00 P0008439 1809458425c ERROR RECOVERY RECOVER DATA finished with error: [449] recovery strategy could not be determined, [111014] The backup with backup id '1651690805067' cannot be used for recovery ].Source: Destination, Process: ClHanaAgent
So one more thing is that the destination client wasnt backuped
do you had anny idears ? If you need mor informations pelase let me know