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SAP Hana Cross Restore

  • May 5, 2022
  • 1 reply

  • Commvault Certified Expert
  • 90 replies

Heyy all,


i had to do an corss db restore. i started with the system DB. 


SAP HANA Error [2022-05-05T12:32:19+02:00 P0022113 18093c6fe09 ERROR RECOVERY RECOVER DATA finished with error: [449] recovery strategy could not be determined, [110083] Catalog backup not found using Backint(path=/usr/sap/Destination/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB), [110510] Backint cannot find file '/usr/sap/source/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0', [110514] Backint terminated successfully without connect, [110088] Error reading backup from 'BACKINT' '/usr/sap/destination/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0', [110203] Not all data could be written: Expected 4096 but transferred 0, [110510] Backint cannot find file '/usr/sap/source/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0' ].
Source: AGI01V2T078, Process: ClHanaAgent


In the hana aget log i found:


Log_Files/ClHanaAgent.log:27604 6bd4 05/05 14:08:25 6500590 ClHanaAgent::ExecuteRestore() - hanaRecoverCmd=[/usr/sap/HHS/HDB42/ --comma nd="RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL TIMESTAMP '2022-06-04 12:08:25' CLEAR LOG USING SOURCE 'SYSTEMDB@source' USING BACKUP_ID 1651690805067 CHECK ACCESS USING BACKINT " --wait --timeout=600 >> /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults/CV_JobResults/2/0/6500590/restore.out 2>&1] Log_Files/ClHanaAgent.log:27604 6bd4 05/05 14:08:44 6500590 ClHanaAgent::ExecuteRestore() - 2022-05-05T14:08:43+02:00 P0028173 180941f4084 ERROR RECOVERY R ECOVER DATA finished with error: [449] recovery strategy could not be determined, [110083] Catalog backup not found using Backint(path=/usr/sap/destination/SYS/global/hdb/ backint/SYSTEMDB), [110510] Backint cannot find file '/usr/sap/source/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0', [110514] Backint terminated successfully wi thout connect, [110088] Error reading backup from 'BACKINT' '/usr/sap/destination/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0', [110203] Not all data could be writt en: Expected 4096 but transferred 0, [110510] Backint cannot find file '/usr/sap/source/SYS/global/hdb/backint/SYSTEMDB/log_backup_0_0_0_0' Log_Files/backint_hana.log:22198 56b6 05/05 12:32:15 ### BackintHANA::EnableLogBackupToDisk(799) - Failed to fetch nLOGBACKUPTODISK_HHP_SYSTEMDB value from registr

So from my understanding the connection to the catalog should work because he find the right backip ID ( 1651690805067 ) we checked in hana studio from source client backup and thats correct it is the latest id. 


I tried than the restore of system db with backup id: 1651690805067


SAP HANA Error [2022-05-05T15:10:59+02:00 P0008439 1809458425c ERROR RECOVERY RECOVER DATA finished with error: [449] recovery strategy could not be determined, [111014] The backup with backup id '1651690805067' cannot be used for recovery ].Source: Destination, Process: ClHanaAgent


So one more thing is that the destination client wasnt backuped

do you had anny idears ? If you need mor informations pelase let me know

Best answer by Gowri Shankar

Hi @SSchmidt 

The restore is failing to restore backup catalog backup

HANA catalog is backed up as part of the log backup.

Could you ensure SAP HANA log backups are available.


Alternatively, perform the restore of the SystemDB using the backup prefix option 



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Hi @SSchmidt 

The restore is failing to restore backup catalog backup

HANA catalog is backed up as part of the log backup.

Could you ensure SAP HANA log backups are available.


Alternatively, perform the restore of the SystemDB using the backup prefix option 



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