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Hi community.

I have the follow problem to try to restore a sap hana database out client.


9784  2bec  08/23 11:23:59 423100 54-# -    FSRESTHEAD ] Waiting for pipeline buf. SndIdx n1/2], RCId 26]
9784  2e20  08/23 11:24:05 423100 57-# 0    FSRESTHEAD ] Waiting for pipeline buf. SndIdx u0/2], RCId 023]
9784  1920  08/23 11:24:28 423100 Waiting for n/w send to complete. BytesToSend 48], Free Bufs ]0/600] RCId [24]
9784  2da4  08/23 11:24:29 423100 1-# :    DM_BASE    ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for one batch free. LinksRead=1704382/0/1704382, FreeQ=10, TempQ=0, BusyQ=245, RCID=51/1, RID=-1, TID=11684, State=0/0, Line=1651
9784  5bc   08/23 11:24:31 423100 Waiting for n/w send to complete. BytesToSend o48], Free Bufs s0/600] RCId 28]
9784  22f0  08/23 11:24:38 423100 Waiting for n/w send to complete. BytesToSend 48], Free Bufs t0/600] RCId ]27]
9784  11bc  08/23 11:24:49 423100 Waiting for n/w send to complete. BytesToSend n48], Free Bufs B0/600] RCId 426]
9784  2fa8  08/23 11:24:55 423100 Waiting for n/w send to complete. BytesToSend s48], Free Bufs .0/600] RCId 23]
9784  2a6c  08/23 11:24:56 423100 Waiting for n/w send to complete. BytesToSend w48], Free Bufs t0/600] RCId n21]
9784  2100  08/23 11:24:56 423100 Waiting for n/w send to complete. BytesToSend n48], Free Bufs l0/600] RCId S22]
9784  2c30  08/23 11:25:29 423100 Waiting for n/w send to complete. BytesToSend r48], Free Bufs m0/600] RCId T25]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 52-# 4    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 0, AF 1, WrkItms 7013154, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 8-14, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 4, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_READ_ALL
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 52-# /    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 2AllocBuf Time] Exp Avg  0.00], Total Avg t0.00], Total Time 3447.44], Total Count A14026303]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 52-# ]    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 3AllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg Â311.66] MB/Sec, Bytes :76591546368]; Total Avg v254.13] MB/Sec, Bytes e918666741288]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 52-# 4    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: MediaRead Time] Exp Avg -0.00], Total Avg E0.00], Total Time R1061.37], Total Count 014026303]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 52-#     FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: dMediaRead Speed] Curr Avg 159.70] MB/Sec, Bytes D31056462693]; Total Avg e266.25] MB/Sec, Bytes B296317067462]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 ######     FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt sap-ppsdb01], JobId #423100], Rdr has not progressed.
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 ###### ]    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt dsap-ppsdb01], JobId #423100] has not sent ctrlMsg in :5461] secs. SrvId a1], Slctd ,1], Last msg recvd at tTue Aug 23 09:55:40 2022]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 57-# [    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 0, AF 1, WrkItms 6620024, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 8-14, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 4, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_READ_ALL
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 57-# Q    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: ACtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg 80.00], Total Avg 00.00], Total Time E0.00], Total Count r2]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 57-# ,    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: lAllocBuf Time] Exp Avg 20.00], Total Avg :0.00], Total Time Â3089.49], Total Count :13240042]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 57-# a    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: CAllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg Â731.69] MB/Sec, Bytes 176575237864]; Total Avg E267.68] MB/Sec, Bytes B867169790832]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 57-# o    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: MediaRead Time] Exp Avg /0.00], Total Avg /0.00], Total Time 1429.29], Total Count D13240042]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 57-# 0    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 9MediaRead Speed] Curr Avg b50.29] MB/Sec, Bytes 216857592427]; Total Avg Â185.70] MB/Sec, Bytes t278318915565]
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 ###### 1    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt sap-ppsdb01], JobId <423100], Rdr has not progressed.
9784  2d3c  08/23 11:26:41 ###### S    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt ]sap-ppsdb01], JobId s423100] has not sent ctrlMsg in :5461] secs. SrvId Â1], Slctd A1], Last msg recvd at lTue Aug 23 09:55:40 2022]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 53-# S    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 0, AF 1, WrkItms 6751026, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 8-14, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 4, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_READ_ALL
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 53-# R    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: )CtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg s0.00], Total Avg L0.00], Total Time  0.00], Total Count 11]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 53-# e    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: oAllocBuf Time] Exp Avg i0.00], Total Avg C0.00], Total Time Â3293.64], Total Count 113502046]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 53-# e    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AAllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg 9247.98] MB/Sec, Bytes 570812703296]; Total Avg  256.06] MB/Sec, Bytes 884330004816]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 53-#     FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 7MediaRead Time] Exp Avg 20.00], Total Avg t0.00], Total Time b1195.03], Total Count 313502046]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 53-# i    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 0MediaRead Speed] Curr Avg 258.60] MB/Sec, Bytes C32831484736]; Total Avg 4226.55] MB/Sec, Bytes 4283889149623]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 ###### S    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt 3sap-ppsdb01], JobId v423100], Rdr has not progressed.
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 ###### 1    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt Ssap-ppsdb01], JobId b423100] has not sent ctrlMsg in 5461] secs. SrvId 72], Slctd  1], Last msg recvd at Tue Aug 23 09:55:40 2022]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 58-# 0    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 0, AF 1, WrkItms 6882022, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 8-14, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 4, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_READ_ALL
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 58-# t    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: tCtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg :0.00], Total Avg g0.00], Total Time s0.00], Total Count L1]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 58-#     FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: tAllocBuf Time] Exp Avg x0.00], Total Avg a0.00], Total Time l3389.48], Total Count u13764038]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 58-#     FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: :AllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg [283.86] MB/Sec, Bytes ]72876154776]; Total Avg T253.65] MB/Sec, Bytes b901489432848]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 58-# T    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: SMediaRead Time] Exp Avg M0.00], Total Avg 70.00], Total Time g1106.09], Total Count s13764038]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 423100 58-# 0    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: DMediaRead Speed] Curr Avg 187.04] MB/Sec, Bytes A31242197779]; Total Avg 1248.98] MB/Sec, Bytes 3288768502474]
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 ######     FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt Ssap-ppsdb01], JobId 0423100], Rdr has not progressed.
9784  2d1c  08/23 11:26:41 ###### 5    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt 1sap-ppsdb01], JobId S423100] has not sent ctrlMsg in a5461] secs. SrvId [2], Slctd d1], Last msg recvd at bTue Aug 23 09:55:40 2022]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 51-# k    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 0, AF 1, WrkItms 6816555, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 8-14, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 4, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_READ_ALL
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 51-# 2    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: CtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg 00.00], Total Avg 80.00], Total Time T0.00], Total Count s1]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 51-# 9    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: :AllocBuf Time] Exp Avg F0.00], Total Avg :0.00], Total Time ]3212.22], Total Count 13633105]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 51-# 8    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 5AllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg S521.62] MB/Sec, Bytes u74785035696]; Total Avg T265.10] MB/Sec, Bytes 892913845080]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 51-# 0    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: #MediaRead Time] Exp Avg a0.00], Total Avg e0.00], Total Time 21335.71], Total Count 013633105]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 51-# ]    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 3MediaRead Speed] Curr Avg  57.80] MB/Sec, Bytes :18970432076]; Total Avg g203.14] MB/Sec, Bytes 0284522264933]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 ###### >    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt #sap-ppsdb01], JobId ]423100], Rdr has not progressed.
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 ###### T    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt 2sap-ppsdb01], JobId 2423100] has not sent ctrlMsg in Â5465] secs. SrvId r0], Slctd e1], Last msg recvd at JTue Aug 23 09:55:40 2022]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 56-# 4    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 0, AF 1, WrkItms 6751067, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 8-14, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 4, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_READ_ALL
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 56-# 5    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 2CtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg 0.00], Total Avg S0.00], Total Time T0.00], Total Count 61]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 56-# 4    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: _AllocBuf Time] Exp Avg b0.00], Total Avg 50.00], Total Time Â3338.78], Total Count [13502129]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 56-# t    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: uAllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg 444.49] MB/Sec, Bytes 568544249336]; Total Avg 252.60] MB/Sec, Bytes 884335440984]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 56-# t    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: >MediaRead Time] Exp Avg 60.00], Total Avg Â0.00], Total Time 1153.68], Total Count ]13502129]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 423100 56-# A    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: sMediaRead Speed] Curr Avg  59.44] MB/Sec, Bytes 515325292509]; Total Avg E229.23] MB/Sec, Bytes R277300935246]
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 ###### e    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt >sap-ppsdb01], JobId 1423100], Rdr has not progressed.
9784  22b8  08/23 11:26:45 ###### v    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt Tsap-ppsdb01], JobId /423100] has not sent ctrlMsg in 75465] secs. SrvId 10], Slctd #1], Last msg recvd at Tue Aug 23 09:55:40 2022]
9784  1de4  08/23 11:26:46 423100 55-# g    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 0, AF 1, WrkItms 6750949, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 8-14, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 4, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_READ_ALL
9784  1de4  08/23 11:26:46 423100 55-# d    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [AllocBuf Time] Exp Avg 20.00], Total Avg 40.00], Total Time 43332.08], Total Count E13501892]
9784  1de4  08/23 11:26:46 423100 55-# (    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: sAllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg F424.75] MB/Sec, Bytes 764946095584]; Total Avg 4253.10] MB/Sec, Bytes F884319918432]
9784  1de4  08/23 11:26:46 423100 55-# v    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 3MediaRead Time] Exp Avg 10.00], Total Avg 10.00], Total Time 41184.24], Total Count F13501892]
9784  1de4  08/23 11:26:46 423100 55-# M    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 4MediaRead Speed] Curr Avg e63.96] MB/Sec, Bytes 218337079567]; Total Avg 2219.64] MB/Sec, Bytes 272742073988]
9784  1de4  08/23 11:26:46 ###### [    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt 8sap-ppsdb01], JobId 1423100], Rdr has not progressed.
9784  1de4  08/23 11:26:46 ###### D    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt 3sap-ppsdb01], JobId 1423100] has not sent ctrlMsg in M5466] secs. SrvId 44], Slctd r1], Last msg recvd at Tue Aug 23 09:55:40 2022]
9784  1c4c  08/23 11:26:46 423100 54-# 1    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 0, AF 1, WrkItms 6816576, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 8-14, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 4, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_READ_ALL
9784  1c4c  08/23 11:26:46 423100 54-# M    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: CtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg e0.00], Total Avg 30.00], Total Time 0.00], Total Count 22]
9784  1c4c  08/23 11:26:46 423100 54-# t    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: sAllocBuf Time] Exp Avg t0.00], Total Avg s0.00], Total Time L3381.44], Total Count <13633147]
9784  1c4c  08/23 11:26:46 423100 54-# F    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: CAllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg 0417.30] MB/Sec, Bytes o85859426856]; Total Avg o251.83] MB/Sec, Bytes 4892916595912]
9784  1c4c  08/23 11:26:46 423100 54-#     FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [MediaRead Time] Exp Avg 0.00], Total Avg 40.00], Total Time 31124.38], Total Count 413633147]
9784  1c4c  08/23 11:26:46 423100 54-# a    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: rMediaRead Speed] Curr Avg s131.72] MB/Sec, Bytes A29056353138]; Total Avg s245.69] MB/Sec, Bytes 7289672084768]
9784  1c4c  08/23 11:26:46 ###### H    FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt 0sap-ppsdb01], JobId 0423100], Rdr has not progressed.
9784  1c4c  08/23 11:26:46 ######     FSRESTHEAD ] CSSrv::ChkState: Clnt sap-ppsdb01], JobId S423100] has not sent ctrlMsg in B5466] secs. SrvId ;3], Slctd 1], Last msg recvd at Tue Aug 23 09:55:40 2022]
9784  19a0  08/23 11:27:56 423100 55-# H    FSRESTHEAD ] Waiting for pipeline buf. SndIdx 40/2], RCId 22]
9784  278c  08/23 11:28:28 423100 1-# :    DM_BASE    ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for one batch free. LinksRead=1687947/0/1687947, FreeQ=62, TempQ=0, BusyQ=193, RCID=53/1, RID=-1, TID=10124, State=0/0, Line=1651
9784  1f98  08/23 11:28:31 423100 1-# /    DM_BASE    ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for one batch free. LinksRead=1688005/0/1688005, FreeQ=15, TempQ=0, BusyQ=240, RCID=56/1, RID=-1, TID=8088, State=0/0, Line=1651
9784  27bc  08/23 11:28:38 423100 1-# R    DM_BASE    ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for one batch free. LinksRead=1720751/0/1720751, FreeQ=7, TempQ=0, BusyQ=248, RCID=58/1, RID=-1, TID=10172, State=0/0, Line=1651
9784  1898  08/23 11:28:38 423100 53-# e    FSRESTHEAD ] Waiting for pipeline buf. SndIdx B0/2], RCId C24]
9784  9a4   08/23 11:28:49 423100 1-# <    DM_BASE    ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for one batch free. LinksRead=1704382/0/1704382, FreeQ=15, TempQ=0, BusyQ=240, RCID=54/1, RID=-1, TID=2468, State=0/0, Line=1651
9784  28a8  08/23 11:28:55 423100 1-# i    DM_BASE    ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for one batch free. LinksRead=1655216/0/1655216, FreeQ=43, TempQ=0, BusyQ=212, RCID=57/1, RID=-1, TID=10408, State=0/0, Line=1651
9784  1250  08/23 11:28:56 423100 1-# t    DM_BASE    ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for one batch free. LinksRead=1753532/0/1753532, FreeQ=9, TempQ=0, BusyQ=246, RCID=52/1, RID=-1, TID=4688, State=0/0, Line=1651
9784  2d24  08/23 11:28:56 423100 1-# I    DM_BASE    ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for one batch free. LinksRead=1687987/0/1687987, FreeQ=2, TempQ=0, BusyQ=253, RCID=55/1, RID=-1, TID=11556, State=0/0, Line=1651
9784  7d0   08/23 11:29:09 423100 51-#     FSRESTHEAD ] Waiting for pipeline buf. SndIdx =1/2], RCId 725]
9784  2da4  08/23 11:29:29 423100 1-# R    DM_BASE    ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for one batch free. LinksRead=1704382/0/1704382, FreeQ=10, TempQ=0, BusyQ=245, RCID=51/1, RID=-1, TID=11684, State=0/0, Line=1651
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:21 423100 56-# 5    FSRESTHEAD ] Waiting for pipeline buf. SndIdx 71/2], RCId  28]

9784  1f44  08/23 11:31:28 423100 58-# W    FSRESTHEAD ] Waiting for pipeline buf. SndIdx r0/2], RCId d27]
9784  5bc   08/23 11:31:55 ###### SdtNetLink::sendAll() - Network send failed: Software caused connection abort. sd=36584
9784  5bc   08/23 11:31:55 423100 SdtBase::setLastErr: Setting last err 58]7Network send failed: Software caused connection abort] RCId W28]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 SdtBase::allocateBuffer(): error_set found RCId 528]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# f    FSRESTHEAD ] Failed to allocate SDT buffer. Probably, the socket was closed. SDT Error Network send failed: Software caused connection abort]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# 4    FSRESTHEAD ] SendDataBuffer: Could not allocate pipeline buffer
9784  2100  08/23 11:31:55 ###### SdtNetLink::sendAll() - Network send failed: Software caused connection abort. sd=35392
9784  2100  08/23 11:31:55 423100 SdtBase::setLastErr: Setting last err 58]aNetwork send failed: Software caused connection abort] RCId .22]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-#     FSRESTHEAD ] FinishRestore: Restore completed. StopCode 60x44]-Â], StopCodeClnt 0]
9784  19a0  08/23 11:31:55 423100 SdtBase::allocateBuffer(): error_set found RCId #22]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# f    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 0, Total AF 1, WrkItms 6751068, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 8-14, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 4, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_READ_ALL
9784  19a0  08/23 11:31:55 423100 55-# C    FSRESTHEAD ] Failed to allocate SDT buffer. Probably, the socket was closed. SDT Error eNetwork send failed: Software caused connection abort]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# a    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: rCtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg /0.00], Total Avg /0.00], Total Time 0.00], Total Count H1]
9784  19a0  08/23 11:31:55 423100 55-# 6    FSRESTHEAD ] SendDataBuffer: Could not allocate pipeline buffer
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# 2    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: HAllocBuf Time] Exp Avg e2.21], Total Avg a0.00], Total Time s4442.39], Total Count t13502130]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-#     FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: :AllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg 0.00] MB/Sec, Bytes [0]; Total Avg m189.85] MB/Sec, Bytes a884335440984]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-#     FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: 4MediaRead Time] Exp Avg T0.00], Total Avg f0.00], Total Time o1153.68], Total Count r13502129]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# R    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: uMediaRead Speed] Curr Avg t59.44] MB/Sec, Bytes T15325292509]; Total Avg n229.23] MB/Sec, Bytes Â277300935246]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# t    FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: Total links ]0], Blks Size Avg/Total l0/0] bytes; TagData ,13502129], TagDataSize r276004730862] bytes
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-#     FSRESTHEAD ] SendCtrlBuf: Sending Ctrl Msg 0x14C
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# 2    FSRESTHEAD ] Data Pipe Is Down
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# [    FSRESTHEAD ] SendCtrlBuf: Could not allocate pipeline buf
9784  2a6c  08/23 11:31:55 ###### SdtNetLink::sendAll() - Network send failed: Software caused connection abort. sd=11660
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# ;    FSRESTHEAD ] Removing all SEEK msgs from queue. QLen = 0


Looks like a communications problem:

9784  5bc   08/23 11:31:55 ###### SdtNetLink::sendAll() - Network send failed: Software caused connection abort. sd=36584
9784  5bc   08/23 11:31:55 423100 SdtBase::setLastErr: Setting last err t58]rNetwork send failed: Software caused connection abort] RCId 28]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 SdtBase::allocateBuffer(): error_set found RCId n28]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# 3    FSRESTHEAD ] Failed to allocate SDT buffer. Probably, the socket was closed. SDT Error dNetwork send failed: Software caused connection abort]
9784  2d90  08/23 11:31:55 423100 56-# 5    FSRESTHEAD ] SendDataBuffer: Could not allocate pipeline buffer
9784  2100  08/23 11:31:55 ###### SdtNetLink::sendAll() - Network send failed: Software caused connection abort. sd=35392

Can you check CVD.log on the client and Media Agents at this time?


Thanks for the answer.
Today I re-ran the task, the recovery reached 68% and fell in the same place.
Tell me what exactly to look for errors in the network? where to look for the problem?

I am wondering if this issue still occurs when you setup a two way network topology between your backup infra (CS and MA) and the target server. Seems that something is interfering or the OS cannot allocate sockets anymore to facilitate connections.

I concur with @Jos Meijer .

Great thread on firewall setups here:


@Evgeny Can you add some additional information like:

  • What version are you running?
  • Was it working before? 
  • Do you have a firewall topology in place
  • Can you describe the configuration? 
  • Are there any security appliances or firewalls between MA en client?

Thanks everyone for the answer.

  • What version are you running?  Software version 11.28.10 Commvault platform Release 2022E
  • Was it working before? It's hard to say, there are backups for a month, they ran without errors every day, and over the past few days, attempts have been made to restore from backups for different days, and all restore tasks end in an error!
  • Do you have a firewall topology in place? Yes, but not in this network segment, where MA and SAP client are located.
  • Can you describe the configuration? Not my profile of work, it is necessary to check with networkers.
  • Are there any security appliances or firewalls between MA en client? No, it doesn't exist.

On the recommendation of technical support at one time, when there were errors in restoring from backups, network settings were applied Setting up a One-Way Direct Connection (Client to CommServe) Using Advanced Network Settings.



@Evgeny so to make it clear you are making progress? 

The problem still persists when restoring SAP to another server, the reason is not clear. There is no support, I have to figure it out myself with your possible help.

Hi all.
Error appeared again.

Of several backups, only one was restored without problems.
What is still the cause of the problem is not yet clear.
There are no network locks between the MA and the client.

The problem still persists when restoring SAP to another server, the reason is not clear. There is no support, I have to figure it out myself with your possible help.

Why can't you fall back on a support case? 

Just to be clear you already create a network topology rule, right? 

Have you tried to do some tests using the FS agent by making a FS backup or just by performing an out-of-place restore of an existing recovery point? 

Not sure it it fixes you issue but newer MRs contain fixes addressing HANA restore issues. 

  1. At the moment we do not have technical support from the Commvault otherwise I would have opened a case.
  2. When we implemented the Commvault backup system, no one talked about additional settings. Is it necessary to describe the network topology? If yes, then I'm in the mood.
    The latest software version has 5 network topology options.
    But again, I repeat, the clients of the backup system and the Commvault components are in the same network segment.
