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Hi ,

i have schedule a monthly full backup on every month 1st , and there is extended retention for monthly backup set for 6 month , 


but i have read the below i want to know which backup will be selected for extended retention is it the one i scheduled or automatically the based on the start time ?

A backup job will be selected for extended retention based on its start time. For example: If a backup job starts at 11:55 pm on August 31st and ends at 1 am on September 1st, then it will be selected as the last full backup for the month of August and will be picked up for extended retention


i want to know which backup will be selected for extended retention is it the one i scheduled or automatically the based on the start time ?

Good afternoon.  The job will be picked based on the start time and what you select...first or last of the month.

i am sorry , for me to understand better let me give my scenarios 


scenario 1 : i have a schedule policy where i have 3 tasks

                        1 > daily job 

                        2> weekly job on friday

                        3> monthly job on 1st of every month

and my retention looks like below 

scnario 2 : 

i have a schedule where i have 2 tasks

                        1 > daily job 

                        2> weekly job on friday


and same retention setting as above 


can someone help me to understand which backup will be considered for monthly retention for both cases ?


i have one more question for sql backup schedule 

 i need to take db backup full daily and transaction log backup hourly 

i selected below for  db backup task

and i created a task like below for transaction log backup 




is this right way , because i am getting below for the sql backup summary 


where as i am running oracle as well since it shows the archive instance seperatly i created another schedule poliy for archive backup same as above but it shows 2 jobs running hourly fot oracle 



appreciate if some one can help me ,thanks 

@Orazan  @Scott Britton  @Scott Moseman @Sebastien Merluzzi 


“Last full backup of the time period” is selected.  That’s the criteria used to pick which Full job is going to be kept for the extended retention.  Ignore your schedules because the “schedule” has no bearing on which Full job is kept.  Whether you run them daily or once per month, it’s the “last one” which is going to be kept for the extended retention.


@Scott Moseman  that's clear  for me now , what if i have a requirement to retain specific backup of each month, lets say i am performing full backup on every 15of the month , how can i achieive  that,


and can someone help me with sql , oracle job schedule for log and data 



First, I would create a new thread for your SQL question for visibility.
Second, I suggest the 2 settings below to keep the Full from the 15th.


“Last full backup of the time period” is selected.  That’s the criteria used to pick which Full job is going to be kept for the extended retention.  Ignore your schedules because the “schedule” has no bearing on which Full job is kept.  Whether you run them daily or once per month, it’s the “last one” which is going to be kept for the extended retention.


follow up question to this: so if I had extended retention to “keep monthly full” and “month starts on day 1”, and I run a Full (or synthetic full) backup on day 3 of the month… then commvault “knows” more backups are coming so it will not use “extended retention” on the backup? Does it ‘switch that backup retention’ to extended if I deschedule it or when the month is over that backup “is the last one there”?


I ask because I’m seeing some Fulls have “basic” and technically (at this moment, today) that is the “last full backup”.  I have descheduled them to see if they change retention and they do not seem to immediately after descheduling.


Also: I have some other Fulls/Synthetic full some other subclients with the same storage policy, that have “Extended retention” on every full backup of the current month… as if the retention is set “when it runs” and not ‘after the fact” or ‘it knows there’s more fulls for this month”. I’m having a hard time determining why , once more fulls/synthetic fulls are taken during the month, the previous fulls/synthetic fulls still have extended retention set on them.

“Last full backup of the time period” is selected.  That’s the criteria used to pick which Full job is going to be kept for the extended retention.  Ignore your schedules because the “schedule” has no bearing on which Full job is kept.  Whether you run them daily or once per month, it’s the “last one” which is going to be kept for the extended retention.


follow up question to this: so if I had extended retention to “keep monthly full” and “month starts on day 1”, and I run a Full (or synthetic full) backup on day 3 of the month… then commvault “knows” more backups are coming so it will not use “extended retention” on the backup? Does it ‘switch that backup retention’ to extended if I deschedule it or when the month is over that backup “is the last one there”?


I ask because I’m seeing some Fulls have “basic” and technically (at this moment, today) that is the “last full backup”.  I have descheduled them to see if they change retention and they do not seem to immediately after descheduling.


Also: I have some other Fulls/Synthetic full some other subclients with the same storage policy, that have “Extended retention” on every full backup of the current month… as if the retention is set “when it runs” and not ‘after the fact” or ‘it knows there’s more fulls for this month”. I’m having a hard time determining why , once more fulls/synthetic fulls are taken during the month, the previous fulls/synthetic fulls still have extended retention set on them.

ok, I believe I’ve found it and, now its “afternoon” it makes some sense? it appears Data Ageing has to run in order to “update” the retention times for the copies to be to ‘correct” ones.  Mine are showing properly now.

Also its mentioned here as well: Extended Retentions are not adhering to retention rules in place | Community (
