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We have an aux copy job that copys to tape with retention 16 days.

In the aux copy job you can choose ‘Automatically select Full Backups at frequency’ with values at ‘All Fulls’, ‘Hourly Fulls’ up to ‘Yearly Fulls’ and ‘Advanced’.
And then you can choose ‘First full backup’ or ‘Last full backup’.

For the moment the frequency is set to Weekly Fulls (Week starts on Monday) and First full backup.


If we change frequency to ‘All’/’Hourly’ or ‘Daily’ and to Last full backup.

Does the frequency only control how often the system checks if there is a new full backup and then make the copy only if there is a new full backup or will it copy the same fullbackup several times during the retention time in case there is no new full backup?

Does frequency ‘All’ meen that it will copy as sone as there is a new full backup?

The aux copy job selection criteria, selective vs all, first full vs last full, does not say anything about the frequency the system checks for to be copied data. This only states which criteria must be met to copy a full to the selective copy.

This frequency is being managed by your Aux Copy schedule, by default called “System Created Autocopy schedule” which by default runs in intervals of 30 minutes between aux copy jobs.


Hi Jos,

Thanks for your quick answer.

So if you have an Selective Copy. What does the ‘Automatically select Full Backups at frequency’ control?

What change of behavior will we get if we change it from Weekly Fulls to Daily Fulls or All Fulls?

You should select the option which reflects your full backup schedule frequency and your business requirements.

So if you run monthly (synthetic) full backups you should select Monthly Fulls
if you run weekly (synthetic) full backups you should select Weekly Fulls.
If you run daily (synthetic) full backups you should select Daily Fulls.
If you have a mix you should select All Fulls, at lease if your business requirements need every full.

Most of the organizations I visit aux copy all jobs or have a selective copy with weekly or monthly fulls.