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Should I have tapes in my tape library that have “Last Write Time” set as a date (not empty value) but they are 0 bytes?

  • August 20, 2024
  • 1 reply


In “normal Commvault Operations”, Should I have tapes in my tape library that have “Last Write Time” set as a date (not empty), and on them a write session (or a few), but the data on the tape is 0 bytes and no associated storage policy?

For all storage policies/tape copies (except a few) we have “infinite” retention set on the tapes.  For those that do not, retention is “years” (except the DR tape(s) .  We do not re-use tapes.

I have several (like 40 tapes) with “Last Write Time” set to a few days (or weeks… a few are months)  ago, etc and all are0 bytes. Not all tapes in the system that are 0 Bytes have Last Write Time set.  Using ‘tape → view contents” shows “no data” (as expected). The tapes show they have been mounted (“Number of mounts > 0) and there sems to be a file marker or 2 on them.

So: I’m wondering how to tell “what its writing to them” and why or if “this is normal” as part of some internal 1 time “tape validation/initialization” job or something… but that doesn’t explain why some tapes have > 1 write (usually 2 or 3 writes)

1 reply


Hello @tigger2 

Thanks for the question and detail. The only thing i can think of is a validation to do what you are saying. 

In the case it was aged data ( you advised that it is not ) then even if you view the content of the tape it would show you aged jobs. 


The validations are a OnDemand action of a tape, you could check your audit history to see if anyone has triggered them by searching the barcode.


Out side of that i am out of ideas, it might be a support case to do a review of the CSDB to find why the flag is present. 


Kind regards

Albert Williams


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